A fashion blogging website where users can create and read blogs on the latest fashion trend.
App feature includes add/delete a blog ,user registration, easy navigation and numerous posting formats.
Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript,NodeJS, Express, EJS and MongoDB.
To visit fBlogger Website: Open fBlogger here
Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed.
Clone or Download the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/yashAgarwal41/fBlogger.git
$ cd fBlogger
After downloading the repository, open the folder and open terminal in that folder.
Now install dependencies by typing in the terminal
$ npm install
Now Start the application
$ node server.js
Your app should now be running on localhost:3000.
- Login/SignUp
- Add/Delete Blog
- Basics of HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Node.Js and Express.js
- MongoDB as database
Having trouble with Pages? Feel free to send me a mail at [email protected]