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Süleyman Yasir KULA edited this page Jun 2, 2020 · 7 revisions

Welcome to UnitySimplePatchTool's wiki! You are highly recommended to take a look at the Glossary before navigating around.

The SimplePatchTool wiki is referenced throughout this wiki.


  • in Edit-Project Settings-Player, change Api Compatibility Level to .NET 2.0 or higher (i.e. don't use .NET 2.0 Subset or .NET Standard 2.0)
  • (optional) in Edit-Project Settings-Player, enable Run In Background so that SimplePatchTool can continue running while the application is minimized/not focused


  1. integrate SimplePatchTool to your project
  2. build the Unity project
  3. create your first patch and push it to the server of your choice
  4. whenever you update the app, create another patch and push it to the server
  5. each time you push a new patch to the server, your clients will automatically fetch it and keep themselves up-to-date


Example Scenes

  • SelfPatchingAppDemo: quickly create and test a self patching app
  • LauncherDemo: create a launcher that can update itself with self patching, in addition to patching and launching a separate main app
  • MultiGameLauncherDemo: an example scene to demonstrate how you can use SimplePatchTool with your own Steam-like game hubs
  • PatcherControlPanelDemo: test your patches with different configurations

Some of the example scenes use the PatcherUI prefab to show SimplePatchTool's progress to the user; feel free to use it in your own projects, as well:


Source Code

This plugin uses SimplePatchTool's SimplePatchToolCore and SimplePatchToolSecurity modules without any modifications, so you can make any changes to these modules, rebuild them and replace the dll files at Plugins/SimplePatchTool/DLL with the updated ones.