This is a template for VS 2023 Community/Enterprice for creating project with Telegram Bot service and base settings.
- .NET 8 Sdk Web
- Swagger UI with commas setup
- Telegram.Bots (For .NET)
For start used this project as a template, u should to download it. After that, open it with Visual Studio, press "Project" -> "Export Template". In window u need to select "Project export"(For exporting exactly Project) and press "Next". In next window u can edit template name, description and icon. After pressing "Finish" button, you can create project with this template.
Another way to use this project as a template: ZIP to folder with VS. Download this project and compress it to .zip file with any name. After that, go to this destination:
Create folder with this name: ProjectTemplatesCache
and pull zipped project to created folder.
After reloading VS you can create new project with this template.
Its very simple to use, just download it and in file appsettings.json
change in
"tg-token" ("tg-token": "TOKEN"
) variable from TOKEN to your Bot`s token from @BotFather.
After that, change press RMB on project and select "Sync Namespaces". If you need to use Dockerfile, change from "$safeprojectname$" to your project name in last stroke
Your appsettings.json file must be looked like this:
"tg-token": "123456:AaBbCcDd"
or any with this variable