Python useful code.
- Download file from FTP server (py3)
- Delete file at FTP (py3)
- FTP server and client (download/upload) (py3)
- Upload file to specific path at ftp server (py3)
- Download file at specific path at ftp server (py3)
- list files at ftp dir (py3)
- Fix: UnicodeDecodeError: 'gbk' codec can't decode byte 0xaf in position 2: illegal multibyte sequence (py3)
- UTF-8 definition at head (py3)
- Chinese sub-string find and count (py3)
- Start new thread by threading.Thread.start() (py3)
- Start new thread by inherit threading.Thread (py3)
- threading.Lock (py3)
- threading.Lock with
- threading.RLock
- Condition wait notify (py3)
- Event wait and set (py3)
- English punctuations (py3)
- list sort by item (py3)
- cut list into sublist chunks(py3)
- format number started with zero(py3)
- get list from dict sort by value
- printtolog
- py program execution time cost
- Extract email by regx
- process memory usage monitor
- get py module install path
- enumerate list with index and value
- deep copy
- import failure message
- check variable type
- check python 32 or 64 bit
- string to dict
- string strip/trim
- count element occurrences in list
- flatten dict: nested dict to none-nested dict
- get and set system recursion limit
- math combination problem iteration
- args kargs
- repr to treat \n as 2 characters
- input a list directly
- sort list of list by length and actual item
- Count number of occurrences of a given substring in a string
- import module from another path
- call static methods inside the same class
- sort tuple/list by multiple rules
- installation & start service at Win (py3)
- Send and receive msg(py3)
- Enable and access rabbitmq_management(py3)
- Multi-workers(py3)
- Publish/Subscribe(py3)
- multi process basic usage(py3)
- multi process with parameter(py3)
- process name and id(py3)
- multi process timeout
- Ctrl+C / SIGINT and exit multiprocesses
- wait all sub process to end
- time out function after 10s
- apscheduler basic
- by linux cmd crontab directly
- apscheduler BlockingScheduler
- apscheduler BackgroundScheduler
- apscheduler set max instance
- pymongo readme
- mongo connect and find by schema
- insert_one
- remove
- find_one
- find_all
- find_by_time_period
- fuzzy matching
- find by multi-values
- pseudo fuzzy matching
- update
- check if item exists
- find string item with non-blank string content
- find by id, by _id
- reproduce and fix "RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison"
- find by not equal
- pyinstaller for simple program at windows
- pyinstaller for sklearn program at windows
- pyinstaller for ubuntu
- run packaged elf file and get output by python
- index
- logging basic usage
- display error only
- log format
- log to file
- log to file and console
- log to multi files rotation
- get file creation time
- add or minus month by datetime
- construct datetime from string
- get datetime year/month/day
- add or minus year/month/day
- get seconds of two time substraction
- datetime to string
- basic operation
- find all specific tag
- find all specific tag with multi-properties
- with real http requests
- deuces basic
- generate random cards
- evaluate cards rank by score
- evaluate cards rank by class
- strategy example
- evaluate than 5 cards
- texas holdem strategy example
- readme
- no ai game
- CartPole env details
- CartPole observation,action,reward,done details
- MountainCar-v0 details
- more gym env & examples
- RESTful API by flask_restful
- add sklearn model in flask_restful
- RESTful API by flask_restful with CORS
- simple http server with front end
- http get with parameter
- http post
- http post data as list
- parse xml basic by xml.etree.ElementTree
- find element and get element text
- find attribute and get attribute text
- parse android manifest to get permission, activity, service, receiver, action name