This project is used to automatically run BLE applications remotely, at the same time sniff the BLE packets, then save to a file, and finally parse the file to verify TIFS and other parameters in the future.
The related project is pcapng_parser.
In this test, two MAX32655 DevKit boards are used.
Following the instructions in the README of project VSCode-Maxim, program the BLE5_ctr project into the two DevKit boards.
Then set up the test as the following figure shows.
The sequence of powering up the board and plug in the USB cables will effect the ttyUSB*.
Suggest sequence:
Power up DevKit 0 -> /dev/ttyUSB0
Plug in DevKit 0 UART3 cable -> /dev/ttyUSB1
Power up DevKit 1 -> /dev/ttyUSB2
Plug in DevKit 1 UART3 cable -> /dev/ttyUSB3
It is helpful to use "ll /dev/serial/by-id" to check the serial ports.
In a Windows terminal, cd the source code folder.
python -m ble-auto-testing -h
In the virtual environment, run the test.
python -m ble-auto-testing --interface COM4-None --device "" --brd0-addr 00:11:22:33:44:11 --brd1-addr 00:11:22:33:44:12 --sp0 COM9 --sp1 COM10 --time 30 --tshark "C:\Program Files\Wireshark\tshark.exe"
export SNIFFER=/dev/ttyACM1-None
export BD0_UART3=/dev/ttyUSB0
export BD1_UART3=/dev/ttyUSB1
/home/ying-cai/Workspace/ble_auto_testing/venv/bin/python /home/ying-cai/Workspace/ble_auto_testing/ --interface $SNIFFER --device "" --brd0-addr 00:11:22:33:44:11 --brd1-addr 00:11:22:33:44:12 --sp0 $BD0_UART3 --sp1 $BD1_UART3 --time 30 --tshark /usr/bin/tshark
/home/ying-cai/Workspace/ble_auto_testing/venv/bin/python /home/ying-cai/Workspace/ble_auto_testing/ --interface /dev/ttyACM0-None --device "" --brd0-addr 00:11:22:33:44:11 --brd1-addr 00:11:22:33:44:12 --sp0 /dev/ttyUSB0 --sp1 /dev/ttyUSB1 --time 30 --tshark /usr/bin/tshark