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feat: protocol fees proof of concept
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banteg committed Jun 9, 2021
1 parent 42dbe73 commit be8c230
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Showing 2 changed files with 302 additions and 0 deletions.
220 changes: 220 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
import json
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from tokenize import group

import click
import pandas as pd
from brownie import ZERO_ADDRESS, Contract, web3
from brownie.utils.output import build_tree
from click import secho, style
from toolz import groupby, unique
from tqdm import tqdm
from web3._utils.abi import filter_by_name
from import construct_event_topic_set
from import decode_logs, get_logs_asap
from yearn.prices import magic
from yearn.traces import decode_traces, get_traces
from yearn.utils import get_block_timestamp
from yearn.v2.registry import Registry
from yearn.v2.vaults import Vault

def v1():
# 1
controllers = [
path = Path('research/traces/01-controllers.json')
if not path.exists():
traces = get_traces([], controllers)
json.dump(traces,'wt'), indent=2)
traces = json.load(

# 2
path = Path('research/traces/02-controllers-decode.json')
if not path.exists():
decoded = decode_traces(traces)
json.dump(decoded,'wt'), indent=2)
decoded = json.load(

# 3
token_to_strategies = defaultdict(list)
strategies = []
token_to_vault = {}
for x in decoded:
if x['func'] == 'setStrategy(address,address)':
if x['args'][1] == ZERO_ADDRESS:
if x['func'] == 'setVault(address,address)':
token_to_vault[x['args'][0]] = x['args'][1]

secho(f'found {len(strategies)} strategies across {len(token_to_vault)} vaults', fg='bright_green')
# 4
path = Path('research/traces/03-strategies.json')
if not path.exists():
strategy_traces = get_traces([], strategies)
json.dump(strategy_traces,'wt'), indent=2)
strategy_traces = json.load(

# 5
path = Path('research/traces/04-strategies-decode.json')
if not path.exists():
strategy_decoded = decode_traces(strategy_traces)
json.dump(strategy_decoded,'wt'), indent=2)
strategy_decoded = json.load(

# 6
rewards = {x['args'][0] for x in decoded if x['func'] == 'setRewards(address)'}
strategists = {x['args'][0] for x in strategy_decoded if x['func'] == 'setStrategist(address)'}
print(style('rewards:', fg='bright_green'), ', '.join(rewards))
print(style('strategists:', fg='bright_green'), ', '.join(strategists))

# 7
path = Path('research/traces/05-logs.pickle')
if not path.exists():
abi = {
"anonymous": False,
"inputs": [
{"indexed": True, "internalType": "address", "name": "from", "type": "address"},
{"indexed": True, "internalType": "address", "name": "to", "type": "address"},
{"indexed": False, "internalType": "uint256", "name": "value", "type": "uint256"},
"name": "Transfer",
"type": "event",
topics = construct_event_topic_set(
abi, web3.codec, {"from": sorted(strategies), "to": sorted(rewards | strategists)}
logs = get_logs_asap(sorted(token_to_vault), topics, from_block=0, verbose=1)
logs = pickle.load('rb'))

secho(f'{len(logs)} logs', fg='bright_green')

# 8
withdrawals = {x['tx_hash'] for x in strategy_decoded if x['func'] == 'withdraw(uint256)'}
harvests = {x['tx_hash'] for x in strategy_decoded if x['func'] == 'harvest()'}
funcs = {x['tx_hash']: x['func'] for x in strategy_decoded}
secho(f'{len(withdrawals)} withdrawals, {len(harvests)} harvests')
fees = []
scales = {}
print('decoding logs')
logs_by_block = groupby('blockNumber', logs)

def process_harvest(log):
log = decode_logs([log])[0]
sender, receiver, amount = log.values()
if amount == 0:
return None

if log.address not in scales:
scales[log.address] = 10 ** Contract(log.address).decimals()

fee_type = 'unknown'
if log.transaction_hash.hex() in harvests:
fee_type = 'harvest'
if log.transaction_hash.hex() in withdrawals:
fee_type = 'withdrawal'

fee_dest = 'unknown'
if receiver in rewards:
fee_dest = 'rewards'
if receiver in strategists:
fee_dest = 'strategist'

price = magic.get_price(log.address, log.block_number)
func = funcs.get(log.transaction_hash.hex(), 'unknown')
return {
'block_number': log.block_number,
'timestamp': get_block_timestamp(log.block_number),
'transaction_hash': log.transaction_hash.hex(),
'vault': token_to_vault[log.address],
'token': log.address,
'strategy': sender,
'recipient': receiver,
'fee_type': fee_type,
'fee_dest': fee_dest,
'func': func,
'token_price': price,
'amount_native': amount / scales[log.address],
'amount_usd': price * amount / scales[log.address],

fees = [x for x in tqdm(ThreadPoolExecutor().map(process_harvest, logs), total=len(logs)) if x]

path = Path('research/traces/06-fees.json')
json.dump(fees,'wt'), indent=2)

def get_protocol_fees(vault):
rewards = [
x['rewards'] for x in decode_logs(get_logs_asap(str(vault.vault), [vault.vault.topics['UpdateRewards']]))
except KeyError:
rewards = [vault.vault.rewards()]
print('fallback rewards', rewards)
strategies = [x.strategy for x in vault.strategies + vault.revoked_strategies]
targets = [str(x) for x in unique(rewards + strategies)]
topics = construct_event_topic_set(
filter_by_name('Transfer', vault.vault.abi)[0],
{'sender': str(vault.vault), 'receiver': targets},
fees = []
logs = decode_logs(get_logs_asap(str(vault.vault), topics))

for log in tqdm(logs):
sender, receiver, amount = log.values()
if amount == 0:
return None
fee_dest = 'unknown'
if receiver in rewards:
fee_dest = 'rewards'
if receiver in strategies:
fee_dest = 'strategist'

price = magic.get_price(str(vault.vault), log.block_number)
'block_number': log.block_number,
'timestamp': get_block_timestamp(log.block_number),
'transaction_hash': log.transaction_hash.hex(),
'vault': str(vault.vault),
'token': str(vault.vault),
'strategy': sender,
'recipient': receiver,
'fee_type': 'harvest',
'fee_dest': fee_dest,
'func': None,
'token_price': price,
'amount_native': amount / vault.scale,
'amount_usd': price * amount / vault.scale,
secho(f'protocol fees: {sum(x["amount_usd"] for x in fees)} usd from {len(fees)} harvests', fg='bright_green')
return fees

def v2():
registry = Registry()
fees = []
for vault in registry.vaults:
click.secho(f'{vault}', fg='yellow')

path = Path('research/traces/07-fees-v2.json')
json.dump(fees,'wt'), indent=2)
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions yearn/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
from brownie import chain, web3
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from toolz import concat
from web3.middleware.filter import block_ranges
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from tqdm import tqdm

from yearn.cache import memory


def _trace_filter(filter_params):
return web3.manager.request_blocking('trace_filter', [filter_params])

def trace_filter(from_address, to_address, from_block, to_block):
filter_params = {
'fromAddress': from_address if isinstance(from_address, list) else [from_address],
'toAddress': to_address if isinstance(to_address, list) else [to_address],
'fromBlock': hex(from_block) if from_block else None,
'toBlock': hex(to_block) if to_block else None,
return _trace_filter(filter_params)

def get_traces(from_address, to_address):
Compute all traces matching from_address OR to_address.
ranges = list(block_ranges(0, chain.height, BATCH_SIZE))
pool = ThreadPoolExecutor()
print(f'fetching traces in {len(ranges)} batches with {pool._max_workers} workers')
task = lambda block_range: trace_filter(from_address, to_address, block_range[0], block_range[1])
traces = []
progress = tqdm(total=chain.height)
for result in, ranges):
if result:
progress.update(result[-1]['blockNumber'] - progress.n)
progress.set_postfix({'traces': len(traces)})

return traces

from brownie import Contract
from import get_type_strings

def format_function(fn):
types_list = get_type_strings(fn.abi["inputs"], {"fixed168x10": "decimal"})
return f"{fn.abi['name']}({','.join(x for x in types_list)})"

def decode_traces(traces):
decoded = []
targets = {x['action']['to'] for x in traces if x['type'] == 'call'}
contracts = {x: Contract(x) for x in targets}
for x in tqdm(traces):
if 'error' in x or x['type'] != 'call' or x['action']['callType'] == 'staticcall' or x['action']['input'] == '0x':
contract = contracts[x['action']['to']]
func, args = contract.decode_input(x['action']['input'])
except ValueError:
fn = contract.get_method_object(x['action']['input'])
func = format_function(fn)
output = fn.decode_output(x['result']['output'])
'block': x['blockNumber'],
'from': x['action']['from'],
'to': x['action']['to'],
'func': func,
'args': args,
'output': output,
'gas_used': int(x['result']['gasUsed'], 16),
'tx_hash': x['transactionHash'],
return decoded

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