A command line game of 2048 implemented in rust.
Install Rust and Cargo, open the terminal and run:
cargo update
cargo run
pub fn run() {
init_file("config/log4rs.yaml", Default::default()).unwrap();
info!("Welcome to Rust 2048 ~");
let core = Core::new();
let mut board = Board::new(4, None, 0);
while !core.is_game_over(&board) {
board.generate(1, 1..3);
info!("{}", board);
loop {
info!("Input direction(w,a,s,d): ");
let mut direction_str = String::new();
stdin().read_line(&mut direction_str).unwrap();
let traces = core.shift(
&mut board,
match direction_str.trim().to_lowercase().as_str() {
"w" => &Direction::Up,
"a" => &Direction::Left,
"s" => &Direction::Down,
"d" => &Direction::Right,
_ => {
warn!("Invalid input!");
info!("Traces: {:?}", traces);
if traces.is_empty() {
warn!("Invalid moved!");
info!("{}", board);