K8s was installed on the system.
This POC's TICK Helm Chart refers to https://github.com/influxdata/helm-charts. Only Telegraf and Influxdb required.
For Influxdb2:
To install it on control node, please update the toleration and affinity in influxdb2/values.yaml.
tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master operator: Exists affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master operator: Exists
In this POC, persistence volume was disabled. Service and credentials details as follows:
persistence: enabled: false
service: type: NodePort port: 8086 targetPort: 8086 annotations: {} labels: {} portName: http
adminUser: organization: "influxdata" bucket: "default" user: "admin" retention_policy: "0s" ## Leave empty to generate a random password and token. ## Or fill any of these values to use fixed values. password: "admin12345" token: "admin12345"
For Telegraf:
Please generate and get the token from Influxdb2. The config outputs in telegraf/values.yaml as follows:
outputs: - influxdb_v2: urls: - "http://influxdb2:8086/" bucket: "telegraf" token: "M5xiSwf9-A8edY1Y8z1H9i-9Pl0_uJ81wn87o4wu6ah8A-b8R9hAamBHJ0Qhd0D-7UZJquVbhAp5m8UTfaPC7g==" organization: "influxdata"
Prometheus was installed on the system and it is exposed to default namespace. You can refer to TAS CUSTOM METRICS for Prometheus deployment. Please change the namespace to default namespace. Add pushgateway to prometheus_helm_chart/templates/prometheus-config-map.yaml before helm install.
- job_name: 'pushgateway'
honor_labels: false
- targets: ['pushgateway:9091']
- role: node
- source_labels: [__address__]
regex: ^(.*):\d+$
target_label: __address__
replacement: $1:9091
Deploy Pushgateway.
sudo kubectl apply -f pushgateway.yaml
Deploy data-exporter.
NOTE: Please build the data-exporter image and update the image's value in data-exporter.yaml.
sudo kubectl apply -f data-exporter.yaml
Login to Prometheus server and check the data.
- TAS needs Prometheus Adapter in order to function. You can also refer to TAS CUSTOM METRICS for the Prometheus Adapter's deployment. Since the Prometheus's namespace is default, we have to update the prometheus-url in prometheus_custom_metrics_helm_chart/templates/custom-metrics-apiserver-deployment.yaml to default namespace.
Other than that, the Prometheus Adapter's config map have to update by adding the name of the exposed metrics.
- seriesQuery: '{__name__=~"^intel_.*"}'
resource: node
matches: ^intel_(.*)
metricsQuery: <<.Series>>
- After deployed the Prometheus Adapter, run the kubectl command below to check the cpu_usage data exposed to Prometheus Adapter (Custom Metrics).
sudo kubectl get --raw /apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1 | grep nodes | jq . | grep node | grep -i influx
Expected Output:
"name": "nodes/influxdb_cpu_usage",
sudo docker build
--build-arg HTTP_PROXY=${HTTP_PROXY:-}
--build-arg http_proxy=${http_proxy:-}
--build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=${HTTPS_PROXY:-}
--build-arg https_proxy=${https_proxy:-}
--build-arg NO_PROXY=${NO_PROXY:-}
--build-arg no_proxy=${no_proxy:-}
-t data-exporter -f Dockerfile .