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Turbo file header, sets file header information globally or for a project.


  • ctrl + alt + h generate the active document file header.
  • Command Turbo File Header: Generate Custom Template Config File generate custom file header template configuration file.
  • Generate file header based on the file header template configuration.
  • Use more reader-friendly comments to highlight important parts in your code.
  • Support for languages in VSCode known identifiers.



Feature Description Setting Default
Custom user name The fixed user name. The default is from your VCS userName ``
Custom user email The fixed user email. The default is from your VCS userEmail ``
Custom company name Company name companyName YourCompanyName
Date format The date format dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
Auto insert on create file When create file, auto insert file header autoInsertOnCreateFile false
Auto update on save file When save file, auto update file header autoUpdateOnSave false
Disable fields in file header The fields that you want to disable in file header disableFields []
Only dirty file or not to support Only dirty file to support update file header updateHeaderForModifiedFilesOnly false
Extra languages support To support new or unknown languages languages the below
Multiline comment highlighter Whether the multiline comment highlighter should be active multilineComments true
plaintext comment highlighter Whether the plaintext comment highlighter should be active highlightPlainText false
Use tags to color the comments Tags which are used to color the comments tags the below
Tags for light themes Overwrite tags options for light themes tagsLight []
Tags for dark themes Overwrite tags options for dark themes tagsDark []

Default settings list

languages default settings:

    id: "astro",
    extensions: [".astro"],
    aliases: ["astro"],
    configuration: {
      comments: {
        blockComment: ["<!--", "-->"],

tags default settings:

    "tag": "#",
    "color": "#18b566",
    "strikethrough": false,
    "underline": false,
    "backgroundColor": "transparent",
    "bold": true,
    "italic": false
    "tag": "!",
    "color": "#FF2D00",
    "strikethrough": false,
    "underline": false,
    "backgroundColor": "transparent",
    "bold": false,
    "italic": false
    "tag": "?",
    "color": "#3498DB",
    "strikethrough": false,
    "underline": false,
    "backgroundColor": "transparent",
    "bold": false,
    "italic": false
    "tag": "//",
    "color": "#474747",
    "strikethrough": true,
    "underline": false,
    "backgroundColor": "transparent",
    "bold": false,
    "italic": false
    "tag": [
    "color": "#FF8C00",
    "strikethrough": false,
    "underline": false,
    "backgroundColor": "transparent",
    "bold": false,
    "italic": false
    "tag": "*",
    "color": "#98C379",
    "strikethrough": false,
    "underline": false,
    "backgroundColor": "transparent",
    "bold": false,
    "italic": false


