AMQP extension wrapper to communicate with RabbitMQ server. Based on php-amqplib/php-amqplib. This fork provides an alternative list of the parameters to be able to listen on multiple queues with one worker.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Add the following lines
"devyk/yii2-amqp": "1.0.2"
to your composer.json
Add the following in your console config:
return [
'components' => [
'amqp' => [
'class' => 'devyk\amqp\components\Amqp',
'host' => '',
'port' => 5672,
'user' => 'your_login',
'password' => 'your_password',
'vhost' => '/',
'controllerMap' => [
'rabbit' => [
'class' => 'devyk\amqp\controllers\AmqpListenerController',
'interpreters' => [
'my-exchange' => 'app\components\RabbitInterpreter', // interpreters for each exchange
Add messages interpreter class @app/components/RabbitInterpreter
with your handlers for different routing keys:
namespace app\components;
use devyk\amqp\components\AmqpInterpreter;
use app\services\ExampleServiceInterface;
class RabbitInterpreter extends AmqpInterpreter
protected $service;
* Example of passing custom service as dependency for the AmqpInterpreter
public function __construct(ExampleServiceInterface $exampleService)
$this->service = $exampleService;
* Interprets AMQP message with routing key 'hello_world'.
* @param array $message
public function readHelloWorld($message)
// todo: write message handler
$this->log(print_r($message, true));
Just run command
$ php yii rabbit
to listen queue on specified exchange
$ php yii rabbit <queue_name> --exchange=<exchange_name>
to listen multiple queues with one worker
$ php yii rabbit <queue_name>, <queue_name_1> --exchange=<exchange_name>
to enable auto acknowledge
$ php yii rabbit <queue_name>, <queue_name_1> --noAck=true
Also you can create controllers for your needs. Just use for your web controllers class
instead of yii\web\Controller
and for your console controllers
class devyk\amqp\controllers\AmqpConsoleController
instead of yii\console\Controller
. AMQP connection will be
available with property connection
. AMQP channel will be available with property channel