pytorch Public
Forked from pytorch/pytorchTensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
Python Other UpdatedJul 1, 2024 -
sentimentale Public
A multi-class text-classification model that evaluates the sentiment in poetic text prompts.
yigitkucukshell Public
A shell-like website to display my handles.
theodora Public
A chess engine enhanced with transposition tables, move ordering, null move pruning, aspiration window, alpha-beta pruning, quiescence search, and opening books.
lal Public
A privacy oriented web browser that blocks ads from thousands of hosts.
lunarl Public
A reinforcement learning model that simulates lunar landing.
epironica Public
A multi-class text classification model that detects irony in simple text prompts.
yigitkucukwebpage Public
My personal website
penajam Public
A gathering place for musicians.
eksicrawler Public
Crawling.. in eksi sozluk.
queri Public
A WebRTC-based video chat room.
scicalc Public
A lightweight, multi-purpose, scientific calculator.
mailbot Public
An automated email sender for Bilkent Webmail Services.
socialbot Public
A bot written in python that utilizes Reddit and Instagram APIs to fetch data from Reddit and post it on Instagram in specified intervals.