CMM (C Minus Minus) language compiler and VM.
- C++17 compiler
- boost
To compile CMM, make sure the location is in the CMM/src
directory and simply run the following commands:
The executable file CMM
will be created in CMM/bin/CMM
In addition, "make debug" is used to compile with the debug mode:
make debug
Use "make clean" to remove the installation:
make clean
Command "CMM -h" or "CMM --help" is used to get the help information:
CMM (C Minus Minus) Language Compiler And __VM.
-h [ --help ] show this help message and exit
-i arg Input CMM File Path
-o arg (=a.out) Output ASM File Path
-r arg Input ASM File Path (For Running)
There are two sample code files written by the CMM language in the CMM/test/testA.cmm
and the CMM/test/testB.cmm
Here is the CMM language grammar in EBNF format:
1. Program ::= Decl { Decl }
2. Decl ::= VarDecl
| FuncDecl
3. VarDecl ::= Type ID [ '[' Number ']' ] ';'
4. Type ::= int
| void
5. FuncDecl ::= Type ID '(' ParamList ')' '{' LocalDecl StmtList '}'
6. ParamList ::= [ Param { ',' Param } ]
7. Param ::= Type ID [ '[' ']' ]
8. LocalDecl ::= { VarDecl }
9. StmtList ::= { Stmt }
10. Stmt ::= ExprStmt
| IfStmt
| WhileStmt
| ReturnStmt
11. ExprStmt ::= [ Expr ] ';'
12. IfStmt ::= if '(' Expr ')' '{' StmtList '}' [ else '{' StmtList '}' ]
13. WhileStmt ::= while '(' Expr ')' '{' StmtList '}'
14. ReturnStmt ::= return [ Expr ] ';'
15. Expr ::= SimpleExpr
| Var '=' Expr
16. Var ::= ID [ '[' Expr ']' ]
17. SimpleExpr ::= AddExpr [ RelOp AddExpr ]
18. RelOp ::= '<'
| '<='
| '>'
| '>='
| '=='
| '!='
19. AddExpr ::= Term { AddOp Term }
20. AddOp ::= '+'
| '-'
21. Term ::= Factor { MulOp Factor }
22. MulOp ::= '*'
| '/'
23. Factor ::= '(' Expr ')'
| Number
| Call
| Var
24. Call ::= ID '(' [ ArgList ] ')'
25. ArgList ::= Expr { ',' Expr }
Here is the VM model of the CMM language:
+----+ +----+ +----+
| CS | | SS | | AX |
+----+ +----+ +----+
| .. | | .. |
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
| .. | <= | IP | | .. | | BP |
+----+ +----+ +----+ +----+
.. ..
CMM VM use only one SS to store all the data.
Here is the instruction set and the fake code of each instruction of the CMM language:
Instruction | Fake Code |
LDC N | AX = N |
LD | AX = SS[BP - AX] |
ALD | AX = SS[AX] |
ST | SS[BP - AX] = SS.TOP() |
AST | SS[AX] = SS.TOP() |
POP | SS.POP() |
JMP N | IP += N |
JZ N | if (AX == 0) IP += N |
ADD | AX = SS.TOP() + AX |
SUB | AX = SS.TOP() - AX |
MUL | AX = SS.TOP() * AX |
DIV | AX = SS.TOP() / AX |
LT | AX = SS.TOP() < AX |
LE | AX = SS.TOP() <= AX |
GT | AX = SS.TOP() > AX |
GE | AX = SS.TOP() >= AX |
EQ | AX = SS.TOP() == AX |
NE | AX = SS.TOP() != AX |
IN | scanf("%d", &AX) |
OUT | printf("%d\n", AX) |
ADDR N | AX = SS.SIZE() - N |
RET | IP = SS.POP(); BP = SS.POP() |