This is the official code release of the paper:
Yi Xiao, Felipe Codevilla, Diego Porres and Antonio M. Lopez. Scaling Vision-based End-to-End Driving with Multi-View Attention Learning.
Please cite our paper if you find this work useful (will be soon updated with the IROS citation):
title={Scaling Vision-based End-to-End Driving with Multi-View Attention Learning},
author={Yi Xiao and Felipe Codevilla and Diego Porres and Antonio M. Lopez},
Please watch our online video for more interesting scenario demonstrations
In this repository, you could find materials in order to:
- Benchmark the trained CIL++ model proposed in our paper
- Collect datasets using Roach RL expert driver from this paper
- Train/evaluate (offline) your own trained CIL++ models
- Test your models on CARLA 0.9.13
Python version: 3.8
Cuda version: 11.6
Required packages: requirements.txt
Set up the conda environment for the experiments:
conda create --name CILv2Env python=3.8 conda activate CILv2Env
Download CARLA 0.9.13 to your root directory and build up CARLA docker:
export ROOTDIR=<Path to your root directory> cd $ROOTDIR export CARLAPATH=$ROOTDIR/CARLA_0.9.13/PythonAPI/carla/:$ROOTDIR/CARLA_0.9.13/PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-0.9.13-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg
For using CARLA docker, you can either 1) pull or 2) build up the container:
To pull, run:
docker pull carlasim/carla:0.9.13
To build up, run:
docker image build -f $ROOTDIR/CARLA_0.9.13/Dockerfile -t CARLA0913 $ROOTDIR/CARLA_0.9.13/
Download the CIL++ repository in your root directory:
cd $ROOTDIR git clone
Define environment variables:
export TRAINING_ROOT=$ROOTDIR/CILv2_multiview export DRIVING_TEST_ROOT=$TRAINING_ROOT/run_CARLA_driving/ export SCENARIO_RUNNER_ROOT=$TRAINING_ROOT/scenario_runner/ export PYTHONPATH=$CARLAPATH:$TRAINING_ROOT:$DRIVING_TEST_ROOT:$SCENARIO_RUNNER_ROOT export TRAINING_RESULTS_ROOT=<Path to the directory where the results to be saved> export DATASET_PATH=<Path to the directory where the datasets are stored> export SENSOR_SAVE_PATH=<Path to the directory where the driving test frames are stored>
Install the required packages:
conda install --file requirements.txt
Download our trained CIL++ models _results.tar.gz to your
. The saving pattern should be $TRAINING_RESULTS_ROOT/_results/Ours/TownXX/...:mkdir -p $TRAINING_RESULTS_ROOT/_results tar -zxvf _results.tar.gz -C $TRAINING_RESULTS_ROOT/_results/
Benchmark our trained CIL++:
cd $DRIVING_TEST_ROOT run ./scripts/run_evaluation/CILv2/
For training models, you can either
Download our collected datasets:
For easy downloading, the folders are divided into several parts and all compressed in zip files. For model training, please unzip them into your
. The dataloader will access to the full paths of $DATASET_PATH/<dataset_folder_name>, where the<dataset_folder_name>
will be defined byTRAIN_DATASET_NAME
in the exp yaml file -
Collect new datasets. The RL expert driver we used for data collection is from this work
You need to define a configuration file for training. Please refer to this file in
folder as an example -
Run the file:
python --process-type train_val --gpus 0 --folder CILv2 --exp CILv2_3cam_smalltest
defines the process type (could be either train_val or val_only),--gpus
defines the gpus to be used,--folder
is the configuration folder name, and--exp
is the configuration yaml file name. Your results will be stored in $TRAINING_RESULTS_ROOT/_results/<folder_name>/<exp_name>/
Please make sure that your models are saved in the proper pattern as the downloaded CIL++ model:
cd $TRAINING_RESULTS_ROOT/_results/<folder_name>/<exp_name>/
the the experiment folder name, andexp_name
is the configuration file name. Your models are all saved in ./checkpoints/ -
Define a config file for the benchmarking:
cd $TRAINING_RESULTS_ROOT/_results/<folder_name>/<exp_name> > config45.json
In the json file, you need to define the model/checkpoint to be tested:
{ "agent_name": "CILv2", "checkpoint": 45, "yaml": "CILv2.yaml" }
indicates the checkpoint to be tested,yaml
is the training configuration file which was automatically generated during training. Please refer to the json file in the downloaded _results.tar.gz -
Benchmark your model:
Notice that to benchmark your own trained models, you need to modify the script by changing the
cd $DRIVING_TEST_ROOT run ./scripts/run_evaluation/CILv2/
The code is released under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 license, which only allows personal and research use. For a commercial license, please contact the authors. Portions of source code taken from external sources are annotated with links to original files and their corresponding licenses.
This research is supported as a part of the project TED2021-132802B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR.
Yi Xiao acknowledges the support to her PhD study provided by the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC), Grant No.201808390010. Diego Porres acknowledges the support to his PhD study provided by Grant PRE2018-083417 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and FSE invierte en tu futuro. Antonio M. López acknowledges the financial support to his general research activities given by ICREA under the ICREA Academia Program. Antonio thanks the synergies, in terms of research ideas, arising from the project PID2020-115734RB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.
The authors acknowledge the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya CERCA Program and its ACCIO agency to CVC’s general activities.