Bug Fixes
correctly pass stacksize_limit - (3a90e8f ) - clara.bayley
fix partition for building gpu - (43f0467 ) - clara.bayley
debugging new scripts and tinkering - (069e504 ) - clara.bayley
add runtime optimisations for Levante - (dc88aed ) - clara.bayley
Miscellaneous Chores
(version) v0.30.0 - (21e79c6 ) - yoctoyotta1024
move files - (c9fa5d4 ) - clara.bayley
Performance Improvements
be clearer on arg descriptions - (2be2e3b ) - clara.bayley
add YAC runtime settings - (7873891 ) - clara.bayley
run examples with intel compiler unless cuda build - (a61c2dc ) - clara.bayley
add intel compiler option - (91ec4d5 ) - clara.bayley
update gcc compiler version and flags - (1253918 ) - clara.bayley
move packages into seperate file - (767c7e2 ) - clara.bayley
allow examples and run_cleo script to use same runtime settings - (6f0fc26 ) - clara.bayley
update slurm of running example submission scripts - (500d1d0 ) - clara.bayley
failed exit to running examples if wrong name used - (482e8f9 ) - clara.bayley
first draft import from check_inputs function script - (d120920 ) - clara.bayley
new scripts for compiling and running cleo first draft - (9b5277d ) - clara.bayley
move install yac helper script - (87e6a94 ) - clara.bayley
delete old redundant bash build helper files - (e19b12d ) - clara.bayley
new scripts for building cleo firsrt draft - (3129682 ) - clara.bayley
new bash script for interface to building and compiling CLEO - (079b0a0 ) - clara.bayley
move install yac helper script - (1a6c932 ) - clara.bayley
modify inputfiles slurm settings - (14ea428 ) - clara.bayley
initialise kokkos from struct given by config - (270c5ed ) - clara.bayley
specify resoures for examples - (78925f9 ) - clara.bayley
initialise kokkos from struct given by config - (1eb2f8a ) - clara.bayley
You can’t perform that action at this time.