A collection of code, exercises, small projects, and notes for different python concepts from the course I took on Udemy. The course is called The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp and it's created by Colt Steele.
For more info about a specific topic, navigate to that topic's directory and check out the readme file for the notes.
- Numbers and Math
- Variables and Strings
- Boolean and Conditionals
- Loops
- Lists
- Dictionaries
- Tuples and Sets
- Functions
- Lambdas and Built-In Functions
- Debugging and Error Handling
- Modules
- HTTP Requests
- OOPs
- Iterators and Generators
- Decorators
- Testing with Python
- File I/O
- CSV and Pickling
- Web Scrapping
- Regex
Note to Self: Most of the exercises solved during the course are present in Udemy's editor. Make sure to reference them whenever needed.