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Danny van Bruggen edited this page Jul 21, 2016 · 11 revisions

If you have questions of how to use this parser, post a comment here, the answer can help other people.


To use JavaParser from a Maven project, add the dependency as follows:


Printing the CompilationUnit to System output

public class CuPrinter {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // creates an input stream for the file to be parsed
        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("");

        CompilationUnit cu;
        try {
            // parse the file
            cu = JavaParser.parse(in);
        } finally {

        // prints the resulting compilation unit to default system output

Visiting class methods

public class MethodPrinter {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // creates an input stream for the file to be parsed
        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("");

        CompilationUnit cu;
        try {
            // parse the file
            cu = JavaParser.parse(in);
        } finally {

        // visit and print the methods names
        new MethodVisitor().visit(cu, null);

     * Simple visitor implementation for visiting MethodDeclaration nodes. 
    private static class MethodVisitor extends VoidVisitorAdapter {

        public void visit(MethodDeclaration n, Object arg) {
            // here you can access the attributes of the method.
            // this method will be called for all methods in this 
            // CompilationUnit, including inner class methods
            super.visit(n, arg);

Changing methods from a class with a visitor

public class MethodChanger {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // creates an input stream for the file to be parsed
        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("");

        CompilationUnit cu;
        try {
            // parse the file
            cu = JavaParser.parse(in);
        } finally {

        // visit and change the methods names and parameters
        new MethodChangerVisitor().visit(cu, null);

        // prints the changed compilation unit

     * Simple visitor implementation for visiting MethodDeclaration nodes.
    private static class MethodChangerVisitor extends VoidVisitorAdapter {

        public void visit(MethodDeclaration n, Object arg) {
            // change the name of the method to upper case

            // create the new parameter
            Parameter newArg = ASTHelper.createParameter(ASTHelper.INT_TYPE, "value");

            // add the parameter to the method
            ASTHelper.addParameter(n, newArg);

Changing methods from a class without a visitor

public class MethodChanger {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // creates an input stream for the file to be parsed
        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("");

        CompilationUnit cu;
        try {
            // parse the file
            cu = JavaParser.parse(in);
        } finally {

        // change the methods names and parameters

        // prints the changed compilation unit

    private static void changeMethods(CompilationUnit cu) {
        List<TypeDeclaration> types = cu.getTypes();
        for (TypeDeclaration type : types) {
            List<BodyDeclaration> members = type.getMembers();
            for (BodyDeclaration member : members) {
                if (member instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
                    MethodDeclaration method = (MethodDeclaration) member;

    private static void changeMethod(MethodDeclaration n) {
        // change the name of the method to upper case

        // create the new parameter
        Parameter newArg = ASTHelper.createParameter(ASTHelper.INT_TYPE, "value");

        // add the parameter to the method
        ASTHelper.addParameter(n, newArg);

Creating a CompilationUnit from scratch

public class ClassCreator {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // creates the compilation unit
        CompilationUnit cu = createCU();

        // prints the created compilation unit

     * creates the compilation unit
    private static CompilationUnit createCU() {
        CompilationUnit cu = new CompilationUnit();
        // set the package
        cu.setPackage(new PackageDeclaration(ASTHelper.createNameExpr("java.parser.test")));

        // create the type declaration 
        ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration type = new ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(ModifierSet.PUBLIC, false, "GeneratedClass");
        ASTHelper.addTypeDeclaration(cu, type);

        // create a method
        MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration(ModifierSet.PUBLIC, ASTHelper.VOID_TYPE, "main");
        method.setModifiers(ModifierSet.addModifier(method.getModifiers(), ModifierSet.STATIC));
        ASTHelper.addMember(type, method);

        // add a parameter to the method
        Parameter param = ASTHelper.createParameter(ASTHelper.createReferenceType("String", 0), "args");
        ASTHelper.addParameter(method, param);

        // add a body to the method
        BlockStmt block = new BlockStmt();

        // add a statement do the method body
        NameExpr clazz = new NameExpr("System");
        FieldAccessExpr field = new FieldAccessExpr(clazz, "out");
        MethodCallExpr call = new MethodCallExpr(field, "println");
        ASTHelper.addArgument(call, new StringLiteralExpr("Hello World!"));
        ASTHelper.addStmt(block, call);

        return cu;

Remove / Delete Node from AST

Task is delete a=20 from here:

    class D {

        public int foo(int e) {
            int a = 20;

How to do:

    class MyVisitor extends ModifierVisitorAdapter
        public Node visit(VariableDeclarator declarator, Object args)
            if (declarator.getId().getName().equals("a") && declarator.getInit().toString().equals("20"))
                return null;
            return declarator;

In result you'll receive this:

    class D {

        public int foo(int e) {
            int ;

To avoid empty "int ;" the actions are bit harder - you have to start visits from Parent of Declarator and of parent of parent of Declarator ... The magic comand here is super.visit(declarationExpr, args); It means that visitor will go to inners Nodes

all code:

public class GitHubTest {

    public static void main(String...args) throws Exception {

        FileInputStream file1 = new FileInputStream("");
        CompilationUnit cu = getCompilationUnit(file1);
        String result = cu.toString();
        new MyVisitor().visit(cu, null);


    public static CompilationUnit getCompilationUnit(InputStream in) {
        try {
            CompilationUnit cu;
            try {
                // parse the file
                cu = JavaParser.parse(in);
                return cu;
            } finally {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

class MyVisitor extends ModifierVisitorAdapter

    public Node visit (ExpressionStmt stmt, Object args)
        if (stmt.getExpression()==null)
            return null;
        return stmt;

    public Node visit (VariableDeclarationExpr declarationExpr, Object args)
        super.visit(declarationExpr, args);

        if (declarationExpr.getVars().isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        return declarationExpr;

    public Node visit(VariableDeclarator declarator, Object args)
        if (declarator.getId().getName().equals("a") && declarator.getInit().toString().equals("20"))
            return null;
        return declarator;
