Small helper library to generate unique keys for map in react when you don't have unique property.
The unique key stays persistent every re-render and won't cause rerenders of the component. So its a better alternative then passing just a unique generator function that will change the key every re-render or passing the index of the item.
import Component from "my-project";
import { useGetUniqueKey } from "react-generate-unique-key-for-map";
const arrOfRandomObjects = [
{ age: 11, name: "Joni" },
{ age: 11, height: 1.8 },
{ age: 12, weight: 84 },
function App() {
// works with any type of data - arrays, objects, strings, numbers...
const getUniqueKey = useGetUniqueKey();
return (
{ => (
<Component age={obj.age} key={getUniqueKey(obj)} />