If you need to highlight elements on a web page then you can't get easier than spotlight! Here's the simplest example:
This will add a semi-tramsparent overlay to the page, then 'punch through' the overlay with a circle exactly where your '#wow' element is. Need the spotlight to be a rectangle? No problem, just add it as an option:
$('#wow').spotlight({ spotlightshape: 'rectangle' });
And if you want more padding between your element and the edge of the spotlight that's easy to do as well:
$('#wow').spotlight({ padding: 30 });
Here are all the options, with their default values:
color: "#000"
The colour of the overlay.
opacity: 0.6
The amount of opacity for the overlay.
padding: 0
The amount of padding between the element and the edge of the spotlight.
spotlightShape: 'circle'
The shape of the spotlight; either 'circle' or 'rectangle'
closeOnClick: true
Whether the spotlight should be turned off when the overlay is clicked.
closeOnEsc: true
Whether the spotlight should be turned off when the escape button is pressed.