- IP address and domain routings
- Ethernet / MAC Address
- memory, CPU and disks of phisical server
- basic linux commands
- using shell scripts
- collect and maintain logs
- understanding daemons
- ports and iptables
- linux distributions
- package manager and package versions
- aws
- heroku
- newrelic
- SQL injection
- html injection
- html escape
- managing password
- making basic application with scaffold
- understanding ActiveRecord
- understanding MVC model in RoR
- finding and using Gems
- using concerns
- implement Ajax
- understanding asset pipeline
- making Gem
- reading Rails code
- paperclip and Imagemagick
- exception notification
- devise
- nokogiri
- class and instance
- class method and instance method
- inheritance
- scopes of methods
- polymophism
- interface
- mixin
- reading technical blogs
- reading technical documents / references
- write to make issues
- write for commit comments
- understand requirements
- explain requirements
- technical discussion
- use other script language
- use static typing language
- use functional languages
- make product with other language
- understand build in classes
- versions of Ruby
- meta programing
- method missing
- understand what to test
- boundary conditions
- unit test
- functional test
- regression test
- rspec
- factory_girl
- capybara
- understand cache
- scraping
- CSS3
- bootstrap
- sass
- basic skill
- include and mixin
- jQuery
- coffeescript
- Prototype programming
- npm and node.js
- basic skill
- understanding of each tags
- html5 tags
- slim
- haml
- basic knowledge of web servers
- understanding performance
- dynamic and static contents
- Etag
- Apache
- Nginx
- unicorn
- reverse proxy
- relational databases
- PostgreSQL / MySQL / SQLite
- normalize, denormalize
- index and indexed search, nonindexed search
- transaction
- understanding performance
- deadlock
- performance optimizations
- debugging SQL
- No SQL
- basic knowledge of user interfaces
- understanding user experience
- mobile and pc user experience