Welcome to Monitor RESTFUl API! Here you'll find all the documentation you need to get up and running with it.
Monitor RESTFUL-API is an API for Uptime monitoring server which allows authorized users to enter URLs they want monitored, and get detailed uptime reports about their availability, average response time, and total uptime/downtime.
The API provides the following features:
- Creating a new user
- Login with User credentials
- CRUD operations for user checks and reports
- GET Check Name
- GET User checks
- GET Check report
- GET User reports
- GET User checks by tag
- POST Create a new check
- PUT Update check activity (paused)
- PUT Update check activity (activated)
- PUT Update check url
- PUT Update check name
- PUT Update tag name
- DELETE Remove check and assigned report
- DELETE Remove all user checks and assigned reports
- DELETE Remove tag from check
- DELETE Remove all tags from check
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Runs the app in the test mode with another database to test users Auth .
Runs the app in the productions mode
Open https://ezzat-monitor-app.herokuapp.com/ to view in live.
Token-based authentication enables users to obtain a token that allows them to access a service and/or fetch a specific resource without using their username and password to authenticate every request. Because the token can be a self-contained entity that conveys all the required information for authenticating the request, it is often referred to as stateless authentication. In this case, the server side does not need to maintain the state of a user.
[{ "_id":{"$oid":"61f564af4a9969f4ceec10a2"}, "name":"google", "email":"[email protected]", "URL":"http://www.google.com", "status":true, "timeInterval":5, "timeOut":1, "threshold":2, "tags":["run"], "webhook":"https://webhook.site/8f427736-4b7f-489f-8613-444f2a433945" "__v":0, }]
[{ "_id":{"$oid":"61f564af4a9969f4ceec10a6"}, "statusCode":"200", "checkName":"google", "email":"[email protected]", "responseTime":269, "upTime":48, "downTime":2, "availability":96, "upTimePeriod":14400, "downTimePeriod":600, "averageResponseTime":274.36, "createdAt":{"$date":"2022-01-29T16:00:47.644Z"}, "updatedAt":{"$date":"2022-01-30T00:30:50.015Z"}, "__v":0} }]