Code used for the statistical analysis of experimental data and meta-analysis
This inculdes scripts for statistical analysis, meta-analysis and plotting figures
Yansen Xu, Zhaozhong Feng, Jinlong Peng, Johan Uddling. 2023. Variations in leaf anatomical characteristics drive the decrease of mesophyll conductance in poplar under elevated ozone. Global Change Biology. Accepted.
Xu et al., 2022_Statistics.R Includes statistical analysis of experimental data
Xu et al., 2022_Meta_analysis_anatomy_one factor.R Includes meta-analysis of leaf anatomy under elevated O3
Xu et al., 2022_Meta_analysis_anatomy_compare sp and pa Includes meta-analysis of comparing leaf anatomy between palisade and spongy tissues under elevated O3
Xu et al., 2022_Meta_analysis_gm.R Includes meta-analysis of leaf mesophyll conductance under elevated O3