- Home Page
- Upload posts with images and text.
- View posts and upvote and downvote them.
- Add comments to others post
- Get instant summary using AI button!
- Chat Page
- Group chats get auto created if logged in using IITH email.
- Chat realtime with other users.
- Convert tone of your message instantly using AI!
- Shop Page
- Create, buy and sell products.
- Profile/Map Page
- View your profile and log out and sign in from different accounts.
- Logging in with your IITH email will auto add the branch and year and will add you to 3 unique groups to chat your branchmates, yearmates.
- Shows all building name inside IITH campus.
Download iith_community_app_armx64.apk
- Install Flutter on your machine.
- Install Android Studio or Visual Studio Code with Flutter and Dart plugins.
- Ensure you have a Firebase project set up.
- Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/ytgs5148/milan_hackathon
cd milan_hackathon
- Install Flutter Dependencies
flutter pub get
Initialize Firebase Files
- Generate the SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys to Firebase. Console.
- Add an Android app to your Firebase project.
- Download the google-services.json file and place it in the android/app directory.
- Add the Firebase configuration to your Flutter project by creating a lib/firebase_options.dart file. You can use the FlutterFire CLI to generate this file:
flutterfire configure
- Add SHA Keys to Firebase
Generate the SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys to Firebase. If keytool is not installed, you can install it by installing the Java Development Kit (JDK). Follow the instructions here. Firebase Configuration:
IMPORTANT: Change the ~/.android/debug.keystore to point to the debug.keystore file located in your pc. In windows, it is generally C:\Users\ {username}\ .android\debug.keystore
keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore
Copy the SHA-1 and SHA-256 keys and add them to your Firebase project settings under the Android app configuration.
- Build the APK
flutter build apk
- Run the App
flutter run