This is a little project for shedule of Faculty of Physics( and Google-Calendar( interaction. All my app is written with golang. For storage data i used MySQL.
- branch: master (main branch with web-application)
(files for shedule of faculty of physics parsing)/Schedule
(files for console-representation of shedule)/WebApp
(main directory with web-application)
- branch: console (with console-application)
The program allows you to upload the schedule of any group(in scope the Faculty of Physics) to your google-calendar using your google-account.
During development, i used following packages:
Firstly, you need to install mysql DB. Secondly, using /Parsing
, launch sh
. Thirdly, using /WebApp
, launch sh
, after you can use localhost:8080
for using application. If you want to check correctness of my parsing, you can use /Schedule
, launch
for console-representation.
Click it. For deployment, i used Heroku with ClearDB.
- google-account
This is a very raw, but working version of my application. I need to upgrade front-end of app(sorry, but i'm only backend developer...). Also, i need to add some features. It's comming soon...