Jenkins master and agent cluster utilizing the Jenkins Kubernetes plugin
Inspired by the awesome work of Carlos Sanchez mailto:[email protected]
This chart will do the following:
- 1 x Jenkins Master with port 8080 exposed on an external LoadBalancer
- All using Kubernetes Deployments
To install the chart with the release name my-release
$ helm install --name my-release stable/jenkins
A major chart version change (like v0.40.0 -> v1.0.0) indicates that there is an incompatible breaking change needing manual actions.
Breaking changes:
- values have been renamed to follow helm chart best practices for naming conventions so that all variables start with a lowercase letter and words are separated with camelcase
- all resources are now using recommended standard labels
As a result of the label changes also the selectors of the deployment have been updated. Those are immutable so trying an updated will cause an error like:
Error: Deployment.apps "jenkins" is invalid: spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"":"jenkins-master", "":"jenkins"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable
In order to upgrade, delete the Jenkins Deployment before upgrading:
kubectl delete deploy jenkins
The following tables list the configurable parameters of the Jenkins chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
checkDeprecation |
Checks for deprecated values used | true |
clusterZone |
Override the cluster name for FQDN resolving | cluster.local |
nameOverride |
Override the resource name prefix | jenkins |
fullnameOverride |
Override the full resource names | jenkins-{release-name} (or jenkins if release-name is jenkins ) |
namespaceOverride |
Override the deployment namespace | Not set (Release.Namespace ) |
master.componentName |
Jenkins master name | jenkins-master |
master.image |
Master image name | jenkins/jenkins |
master.tag |
Master image tag | lts |
master.imagePullPolicy |
Master image pull policy | Always |
master.imagePullSecret |
Master image pull secret | Not set |
master.numExecutors |
Set Number of executors | 0 |
master.customJenkinsLabels |
Append Jenkins labels to the master | {} |
master.useSecurity |
Use basic security | true |
master.securityRealm |
Custom Security Realm | Not set |
master.authorizationStrategy |
Jenkins XML job config for AuthorizationStrategy | Not set |
master.deploymentLabels |
Custom Deployment labels | Not set |
master.serviceLabels |
Custom Service labels | Not set |
master.podLabels |
Custom Pod labels | Not set |
master.adminUser |
Admin username (and password) created as a secret if useSecurity is true | admin |
master.adminPassword |
Admin password (and user) created as a secret if useSecurity is true | Random value |
master.jenkinsAdminEmail |
Email address for the administrator of the Jenkins instance | Not set |
master.resources |
Resources allocation (Requests and Limits) | {requests: {cpu: 50m, memory: 256Mi}, limits: {cpu: 2000m, memory: 4096Mi}} |
master.initContainerEnv |
Environment variables for Init Container | Not set |
master.containerEnv |
Environment variables for Jenkins Container | Not set |
master.usePodSecurityContext |
Enable pod security context (must be true if runAsUser or fsGroup are set) |
true |
master.runAsUser |
uid that jenkins runs with | 0 |
master.fsGroup |
uid that will be used for persistent volume | 0 |
master.hostAliases |
Aliases for IPs in /etc/hosts |
[] |
master.serviceAnnotations |
Service annotations | {} |
master.serviceType |
k8s service type | LoadBalancer |
master.servicePort |
k8s service port | 8080 |
master.targetPort |
k8s target port | 8080 |
master.nodePort |
k8s node port | Not set |
master.healthProbes |
Enable k8s liveness and readiness probes | true |
master.healthProbesLivenessTimeout |
Set the timeout for the liveness probe | 5 |
master.healthProbesReadinessTimeout |
Set the timeout for the readiness probe | 5 |
master.healthProbeLivenessPeriodSeconds |
Set how often (in seconds) to perform the liveness probe | 10 |
master.healthProbeReadinessPeriodSeconds |
Set how often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probe | 10 |
master.healthProbeLivenessFailureThreshold |
Set the failure threshold for the liveness probe | 5 |
master.healthProbeReadinessFailureThreshold |
Set the failure threshold for the readiness probe | 3 |
master.healthProbeLivenessInitialDelay |
Set the initial delay for the liveness probe | 90 |
master.healthProbeReadinessInitialDelay |
Set the initial delay for the readiness probe | 60 |
master.slaveListenerPort |
Listening port for agents | 50000 |
master.slaveHostPort |
Host port to listen for agents | Not set |
master.slaveKubernetesNamespace |
Namespace in which the Kubernetes agents should be launched | Not set |
master.disabledAgentProtocols |
Disabled agent protocols | JNLP-connect JNLP2-connect |
master.csrf.defaultCrumbIssuer.enabled |
Enable the default CSRF Crumb issuer | true |
master.csrf.defaultCrumbIssuer.proxyCompatability |
Enable proxy compatibility | true |
master.cli |
Enable CLI over remoting | false |
master.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
Allowed inbound IP addresses | |
master.loadBalancerIP |
Optional fixed external IP | Not set |
master.jmxPort |
Open a port, for JMX stats | Not set |
master.extraPorts |
Open extra ports, for other uses | Not set |
master.overwriteConfig |
Replace init scripts and config w/ ConfigMap on boot | false |
master.ingress.enabled |
Enables ingress | false |
master.ingress.apiVersion |
Ingress API version | extensions/v1beta1 |
master.ingress.hostName |
Ingress host name | Not set |
master.ingress.annotations |
Ingress annotations | {} |
master.ingress.labels |
Ingress labels | {} |
master.ingress.path |
Ingress path | Not set |
master.ingress.tls |
Ingress TLS configuration | [] |
master.backendconfig.enabled |
Enables backendconfig | false |
master.backendconfig.apiVersion |
backendconfig API version | extensions/v1beta1 | |
backendconfig name | Not set |
master.backendconfig.annotations |
backendconfig annotations | {} |
master.backendconfig.labels |
backendconfig labels | {} |
master.backendconfig.spec |
backendconfig spec | {} |
master.route.enabled |
Enables openshift route | false |
master.route.annotations |
Route annotations | {} |
master.route.labels |
Route labels | {} |
master.route.path |
Route path | Not set |
master.jenkinsUrlProtocol |
Set protocol for JenkinsLocationConfiguration.xml | Set to https if Master.ingress.tls , http otherwise |
master.JCasC.enabled |
Wheter Jenkins Configuration as Code is enabled or not | false |
master.JCasC.configScripts |
List of Jenkins Config as Code scripts | False |
master.enableXmlConfig |
enables configuration done via XML files | false |
master.sidecars.configAutoReload |
Jenkins Config as Code auto-reload settings | |
master.sidecars.configAutoReload.enabled |
Jenkins Config as Code auto-reload settings (Attention: rbac needs to be enabled otherwise the sidecar can't read the config map) | false |
master.sidecars.configAutoReload.image |
Image which triggers the reload | shadwell/k8s-sidecar:0.0.2 |
master.sidecars.others |
Configures additional sidecar container(s) for Jenkins master | {} |
master.initScripts |
List of Jenkins init scripts | Not set |
master.credentialsXmlSecret |
Kubernetes secret that contains a 'credentials.xml' file | Not set |
master.secretsFilesSecret |
Kubernetes secret that contains 'secrets' files | Not set | |
Jenkins XML job configs | {} |
master.overwriteJobs |
Replace jobs w/ ConfigMap on boot | false |
master.installPlugins |
List of Jenkins plugins to install. If you don't want to install plugins set it to [] |
kubernetes:1.18.1 workflow-aggregator:2.6 credentials-binding:1.19 git:3.11.0 workflow-job:2.33 |
master.overwritePlugins |
Overwrite installed plugins on start. | false |
master.enableRawHtmlMarkupFormatter |
Enable HTML parsing using (see below) | false |
master.scriptApproval |
List of groovy functions to approve | Not set |
master.nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
master.affinity |
Affinity settings | {} |
master.tolerations |
Toleration labels for pod assignment | [] |
master.podAnnotations |
Annotations for master pod | {} |
master.customConfigMap |
Deprecated: Use a custom ConfigMap | false |
master.additionalConfig |
Deprecated: Add additional config files | {} |
master.jenkinsUriPrefix |
Root Uri Jenkins will be served on | Not set |
master.customInitContainers |
Custom init-container specification in raw-yaml format | Not set |
master.lifecycle |
Lifecycle specification for master-container | Not set |
master.prometheus.enabled |
Enables prometheus service monitor | false |
master.prometheus.serviceMonitorAdditionalLabels |
Additional labels to add to the service monitor object | {} |
master.prometheus.serviceMonitorNamespace |
Custom namespace for serviceMonitor | Not set (same ns where is Jenkins being deployed) |
master.prometheus.scrapeInterval |
How often prometheus should scrape metrics | 60s |
master.prometheus.scrapeEndpoint |
The endpoint prometheus should get metrics from | /prometheus |
master.prometheus.alertingrules |
Array of prometheus alerting rules | [] |
master.prometheus.alertingRulesAdditionalLabels |
Additional labels to add to the prometheus rule object | {} |
master.priorityClassName |
The name of a priorityClass to apply to the master pod |
Not set |
networkPolicy.enabled |
Enable creation of NetworkPolicy resources. | false |
networkPolicy.apiVersion |
NetworkPolicy ApiVersion | |
rbac.create |
Whether RBAC resources are created | true | |
name of the ServiceAccount to be used by access-controlled resources | autogenerated |
serviceAccount.create |
Configures if a ServiceAccount with this name should be created | true |
serviceAccount.annotations |
Configures annotation for the ServiceAccount | {} | |
name of the agent ServiceAccount to be used by access-controlled resources | autogenerated |
serviceAccountAgent.create |
Configures if an agent ServiceAccount with this name should be created | false |
serviceAccountAgent.annotations |
Configures annotation for the agent ServiceAccount | {} |
Some third-party systems, e.g. GitHub, use HTML-formatted data in their payload sent to a Jenkins webhooks, e.g. URL of a pull-request being built. To display such data as processed HTML instead of raw text set master.enableRawHtmlMarkupFormatter
to true. This option requires installation of OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin (antisamy-markup-formatter). The plugin is not installed by default, please update master.installPlugins
Parameter | Description | Default |
agent.alwaysPullImage |
Always pull agent container image before build | false |
agent.customJenkinsLabels |
Append Jenkins labels to the agent | {} |
agent.enabled |
Enable Kubernetes plugin jnlp-agent podTemplate | true |
agent.image |
Agent image name | jenkins/jnlp-slave |
agent.imagePullSecret |
Agent image pull secret | Not set |
agent.tag |
Agent image tag | 3.27-1 |
agent.privileged |
Agent privileged container | false |
agent.resources |
Resources allocation (Requests and Limits) | {requests: {cpu: 200m, memory: 256Mi}, limits: {cpu: 200m, memory: 256Mi}} |
agent.volumes |
Additional volumes | nil |
agent.envVars |
Environment variables for the agent Pod | Not set |
agent.command |
Executed command when side container starts | Not set |
agent.args |
Arguments passed to executed command | Not set |
agent.sideContainerName |
Side container name in agent | jnlp |
agent.TTYEnabled |
Allocate pseudo tty to the side container | false |
agent.containerCap |
Maximum number of agent | 10 |
agent.podName |
Agent Pod base name | Not set |
agent.idleMinutes |
Allows the Pod to remain active for reuse | 0 |
agent.yamlTemplate |
The raw yaml of a Pod API Object to merge into the agent spec | Not set |
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,
$ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml stable/jenkins
Tip: You can use the default values.yaml
Your Jenkins Agents will run as pods, and it's possible to inject volumes where needed:
- type: Secret
secretName: jenkins-mysecrets
mountPath: /var/run/secrets/jenkins-mysecrets
The supported volume types are: ConfigMap
, EmptyDir
, HostPath
, Nfs
, Pod
, Secret
. Each type supports a different set of configurable attributes, defined by the corresponding Java class.
To make use of the NetworkPolicy resources created by default, install a networking plugin that implements the Kubernetes NetworkPolicy spec.
For Kubernetes v1.5 & v1.6, you must also turn on NetworkPolicy by setting the DefaultDeny namespace annotation. Note: this will enforce policy for all pods in the namespace:
kubectl annotate namespace default "{\"ingress\":{\"isolation\":\"DefaultDeny\"}}"
Install helm chart with network policy enabled:
$ helm install stable/jenkins --set networkPolicy.enabled=true
in values can be used to support custom security realm instead of default LegacySecurityRealm
. For example, you can add a security realm to authenticate via keycloak.
securityRealm: |-
<securityRealm class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.oic.OicSecurityRealm" plugin="[email protected]">
<scopes>openid email</scopes>
can be used to add additional config files in config.yaml
. For example, it can be used to add additional config files for keycloak authentication.
testConfig.txt: |-
- name: testName
clientKey: testKey
clientURL: testUrl
can be used to add custom labels in jenkins-master-svc.yaml
. For example,
expose: true
The Jenkins image stores persistence under /var/jenkins_home
path of the container. A dynamically managed Persistent Volume
Claim is used to keep the data across deployments, by default. This is known to work in GCE, AWS, and minikube. Alternatively,
a previously configured Persistent Volume Claim can be used.
It is possible to mount several volumes using persistence.volumes
and persistence.mounts
Parameter | Description | Default |
persistence.enabled |
Enable the use of a Jenkins PVC | true |
persistence.existingClaim |
Provide the name of a PVC | nil |
persistence.annotations |
Annotations for the PVC | {} |
persistence.accessMode |
The PVC access mode | ReadWriteOnce |
persistence.size |
The size of the PVC | 8Gi |
persistence.subPath |
SubPath for jenkins-home mount | nil |
persistence.volumes |
Additional volumes | nil |
persistence.mounts |
Additional mounts | nil |
- Create the PersistentVolume
- Create the PersistentVolumeClaim
- Install the chart
$ helm install --name my-release --set persistence.existingClaim=PVC_NAME stable/jenkins
Jenkins Configuration as Code is now a standard component in the Jenkins project. Add a key under configScripts for each configuration area, where each corresponds to a plugin or section of the UI. The keys (prior to | character) are just labels, and can be any value. They are only used to give the section a meaningful name. The only restriction is they must conform to RFC 1123 definition of a DNS label, so may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Each key will become the name of a configuration yaml file on the master in /var/jenkins_home/casc_configs (by default) and will be processed by the Configuration as Code Plugin during Jenkins startup. The lines after each | become the content of the configuration yaml file. The first line after this is a JCasC root element, eg jenkins, credentials, etc. Best reference is the Documentation link here: https://<jenkins_url>/configuration-as-code. The example below creates ldap settings:
ldap-settings: |
- server:
rootDN: dc=acme,dc=uk
managerPasswordSecret: ${LDAP_PASSWORD}
- groupMembershipStrategy:
attributeName: "memberOf"
Further JCasC examples can be found here.
Config as Code changes (to master.JCasC.configScripts) can either force a new pod to be created and only be applied at next startup, or can be auto-reloaded on-the-fly. If you choose master.sidecars.autoConfigReload.enabled: true
, a second, auxiliary container will be installed into the Jenkins master pod, known as a "sidecar". This watches for changes to configScripts, copies the content onto the Jenkins file-system and issues a CLI command via SSH to reload configuration. The admin user (or account you specify in master.adminUser) will have a random SSH private key (RSA 4096) assigned unless you specify a key in master.adminSshKey
. This will be saved to a k8s secret. You can monitor this sidecar's logs using command kubectl logs <master_pod> -c jenkins-sc-config -f
If you want to enable auto-reload then you also need to configure rbac as the container which triggers the reload needs to watch the config maps.
enabled: true
enabled: true
install: true
When enabling LDAP or another non-Jenkins identity source, the built-in admin account will no longer exist. Since the admin account is used by the sidecar to reload config, in order to use auto-reload, you must change the .master.adminUser to a valid username on your LDAP (or other) server. If you use the matrix-auth plugin, this user must also be granted Overall\Administer rights in Jenkins. Failure to do this will cause the sidecar container to fail to authenticate via SSH and enter a restart loop. You can enable LDAP using the example above and add a Config as Code block for matrix security that includes:
matrix-auth: |
- "Overall/Administer:<AdminUser_LDAP_username>"
You can instead grant this permission via the UI. When this is done, you can set master.sidecars.configAutoReload.enabled: true
and upon the next Helm upgrade, auto-reload will be successfully enabled.
RBAC is enabled by default if you want to disable it you will need to do the following:
helm install stable/jenkins --set rbac.create=false
Adds a backup CronJob for jenkins, along with required RBAC resources.
Parameter | Description | Default |
backup.enabled |
Enable the use of a backup CronJob | false |
backup.schedule |
Schedule to run jobs | 0 2 * * * |
backup.annotations |
Backup pod annotations | jenkins |
backup.image.repo |
Backup image repository | maorfr/kube-tasks |
backup.image.tag |
Backup image tag | 0.2.0 |
backup.extraArgs |
Additional arguments for kube-tasks | [] |
backup.existingSecret |
Environment variables to add to the cronjob container | {} |
backup.existingSecret.* |
Specify the secret name containing the AWS credentials | jenkinsaws |
backup.existingSecret.*.awsaccesskey |
secretKeyRef.key used for AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID |
jenkins_aws_access_key |
backup.existingSecret.*.awssecretkey |
secretKeyRef.key used for AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY |
jenkins_aws_secret_key |
backup.env |
Backup environment variables | AWS_REGION: us-east-1 |
backup.resources |
Backup CPU/Memory resource requests/limits | Memory: 1Gi , CPU: 1 |
backup.destination |
Destination to store backup artifacts | s3://jenkins-data/backup |
To restore a backup, you can use the kube-tasks
underlying tool called skbn, which copies files from cloud storage to Kubernetes.
The best way to do it would be using a Job
to copy files from the desired backup tag to the Jenkins pod.
See the skbn in-cluster example for more details.
The default settings of this helm chart let Jenkins run as root user with uid 0
Due to security reasons you may want to run Jenkins as a non root user.
Fortunately the default jenkins docker image jenkins/jenkins
contains a user jenkins
with uid 1000
that can be used for this purpose.
Simply use the following settings to run Jenkins as jenkins
user with uid 1000
runAsUser: 1000
fsGroup: 1000
Jobs can be created (and overwritten) by providing jenkins config xml within the values.yaml
The keys of the map will become a directory within the jobs directory.
The values of the map will become the config.xml
file in the respective directory.
Below is an example of a values.yaml
file and the directory structure created:
test-job: |-
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
test-job-2: |-
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
├── _test-job-1
| └── config.xml
├── _test-job-2
| └── config.xml
Docs taken from
Jenkins is run with user jenkins
, uid = 1000. If you bind mount a volume from the host or a data container,ensure you use the same uid
The master pod uses an Init Container to install plugins etc. If you are behind a corporate proxy it may be useful to set master.initContainerEnv
to add environment variables such as http_proxy
, so that these can be downloaded.
Additionally, you may want to add env vars for the Jenkins container, and the JVM (master.javaOpts
- name: http_proxy
value: ""
- name: https_proxy
value: ""
- name: no_proxy
value: ""
- name: http_proxy
value: ""
- name: https_proxy
value: ""
javaOpts: >-
The following configuration method is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming version of this chart.
We recommend you use Jenkins Configuration as Code to configure instead.
When creating a new parent chart with this chart as a dependency, the customConfigMap
parameter can be used to override the default config.xml provided.
It also allows for providing additional xml configuration files that will be copied into /var/jenkins_home
. In the parent chart's values.yaml,
set the jenkins.master.customConfigMap
value to true like so
customConfigMap: true
and provide the file templates/config.tpl
in your parent chart for your use case. You can start by copying the contents of config.yaml
from this chart into your parent charts templates/config.tpl
as a basis for customization. Finally, you'll need to wrap the contents of templates/config.tpl
like so:
{{- define "override_config_map" }}
{{ end }}