gibberishpy is a Python-based application designed to analyze and identify gibberish in a given string. The application leverages the principles of Markov Chains, a mathematical system that undergoes transitions from one state to other on a state space, to calculate both additive and multiplicative probabilities. gibberishpy allow users to build their own model with custom txt file.
from gibberishpy.scanner import GibberishScanner
if __name__ == "__main__":
scanner = GibberishScanner()
scanner.build_model(corpus_path="path/to/corpus.txt", n_gram_size=2)
scanner.save_model("", encoding="utf-8")
from gibberishpy.scanner import GibberishScanner
if __name__ == "__main__":
scanner = GibberishScanner()
additive_cum_proba, multiplicative_cum_proba = scanner.scan("ldfjgnkdfjnd")
# 0.00022810218978102192
# 0.0