Pop Up Games:
Find, create, and join pick up games in your local area
(billion dollar idea btw)
- Product Owner: Peter Gierke
- Scrum Master: Max Berkowitz
- Development Team Members: Sophia Lee, Yuqi Zhu
Have fun with the best project this side of the sun
- Node 8.11.3
- /config/config.js file containing:
- exports.SECRET = secret for session
- exports.DBPASS = the password for the user root for mysql on your computer (blank string for no password)
- exports.GMAPS_API = api key for googlemaps (Geocoding API and Maps JavaScript API enabled on the key)
- for heroku:
- NODE_ENV = 'production'
- whatever msql database you want to use (we used ClearDB MySQL :: Database):
- DATABASE_URL = the url given to you via CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL upon setting up ClearDB or whatever else you use
- GMAPS_API = your api key
- SECRET = secret for session
From within the root directory:
npm install
View the project roadmap here