List of 3 scripts to prepare a stock Ubuntu AMI on AWS to act as a remote workstation, including 3D acceleration (when used with a GPU instance).
The scripts (located under scripts/
) take care of installing Lubuntu, TurboVNC, VirtualGL, Nvidia
I wanted to develop multi robot application. But to have multi phisycal robots takes time and costs. So I moved to simulator on EC2.
However, to run it on EC2 and use with remote desktop is a bit complecated because of OpenGL and VNC. This tools help you to build such environment.
I've tested the scripts with a basic Ubuntu 16.04 image on a G2 instance. Also I tested a T3 instance, so it means you can choose if you use GPU acceleration or not.
The first step is to run the
$ source
The machine will reboot at the end of the process. You'll have to wait a bit and then reconnect to it.
Then, for a G2 instance:
(You can skip this if you are NOT using G2 instances.)
$ source
Now you can just run the
script to initiate the X server and launch VNC on PORT 5901
(the first time, it will ask you to create a password for the VNC server).
If you reboot your instance, or if you decide to save a snapshot of your instance and use it as an
image for future instances, then all you need is to run
once the instance is up.
When connecting, I prefer to only open PORT 22
on the instance, and create an SSH tunnel for VNC
like so:
$ ssh -i permission_file.pem -L 5901:localhost:5901 ubuntu@ip_address
Then I can use a VNC client to connect to localhost:5901
You can also open PORT 5901
on your instance and directly connect to it, but the connection won't
be encrypted...
Make sure to use a VNC client that supports VirtualGL (TigerVNC, TurboVNC, ...). Once you're in, you'll have a full Lubuntu desktop with hardware acceleration!
If you wish to view your desktop in the browser, you need to uncomment the final line in the
script to run a noVNC server and then create an SSH tunnel for PORT 6080
$ ssh -i permission_file.pem -L 6080:localhost:6080 ubuntu@ip_address
You can access your desktop in the browser at localhost:6080/vnc.html
To take advantage of VirtualGL, launch your 3D applications prepended by vglrun
. For example:
$ vglrun firefox
And visit to check that you're effectively using the Nvidia hardware :-)
For example, you can do something like:
$ vglrun roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch
Note: You have to install ROS.
Currently working on this. Will be available soon.