- Jian Tang [homepage]
- Knowledge Graph Completion: A Review. IEEE Access. 2020. [paper]
- CoDEx: A Comprehensive Knowledge Graph Completion Benchmark. EMNLP. 2020. [paper]
- Neural, Symbolic and Neural-Symbolic Reasoning on Knowledge Graphs. AI Open. 2021. [paper]
- [TransE] Translating embeddings for modeling multi-relational data. NeurIPS. 2013. [paper]
- [RotatE] RotatE: Knowledge Graph Embedding by Relational Rotation in Complex Space. ICLR.2018. [paper]
- [RESCAL] Factorizing YAGO: scalable machine learning for linked data. WWW. 2012. [paper]
- [DistMult] Embedding Entities and Relations for Learning and Inference in Knowledge Bases. ICLR. 2015. [paper]
- [SimplE] SimplE Embedding for Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs. NeurlPS. 2018. [paper]
- [TuckER] TuckER: Tensor Factorization for Knowledge Graph Completion. EMNLP. 2019. [paper]
- [ConvE] Convolutional 2D Knowledge Graph Embeddings. AAAI. 2018. [paper]
- [ConvKB] A Novel Embedding Model for Knowledge Base Completion Based on Convolutional Neural Network. NAACL-HLT. 2018. [paper]
- [SACN] End-to-end Structure-Aware Convolutional Networks for Knowledge Base Completion. AAAI. 2018. [paper]
- Learning Attention-based Embeddings for Relation Prediction in Knowledge Graphs. ACL. 2019. [paper]
- A2N: Attending to Neighbors for Knowledge Graph Inference. ACL. 2019. [paper]
- [RGHAT] Relational Graph Neural Network with Hierarchical Attention for Knowledge Graph Completion. AAAI. 2020. [paper]
- [ProPPR] Efficient inference and learning in a large knowledge base. Machine Learning. 2015. [paper]
- [AMIE] AMIE: association rule mining under incomplete evidence in ontological knowledge bases. WWW. 2013. [paper]
- [RUDIK] Robust Discovery of Positive and Negative Rules in Knowledge Bases. ICDE. 2018. [paper]
- [RLvLR] Scalable Rule Learning via Learning Representation. IJCAI. 2018. [paper]
- [PRA] Random Walk Inference and Learning in A Large Scale Knowledge Base. EMNLP. 2011. [paper]
- [SFE] Efficient and Expressive Knowledge Base Completion Using Subgraph Feature Extraction. EMNLP. 2015. [paper]
- [Path-RNN] Compositional Vector Space Models for Knowledge Base Completion. ACL. 2015. [paper]
- Chains of Reasoning over Entities, Relations, and Text using Recurrent Neural Networks. EACL. 2017. [paper]
- [CPRA] Knowledge Base Completion via Coupled Path Ranking. ACL. 2016. [paper]
- [DeepPath] DeepPath: A Reinforcement Learning Method for Knowledge Graph Reasoning. EMNLP. 2017. [paper]
- [AnyBURL] Anytime Bottom-Up Rule Learning for Knowledge Graph Completion. IJCAI. 2019. [paper]
- [pLogic] Probabilistic Logic Neural Networks for Reasoning. NeurIPS. 2019. [paper]
- [IterE] Iteratively Learning Embeddings and Rules for Knowledge Graph Reasoning. WWW. 2019. [paper]
- [pGAT] Probabilistic Logic Graph Attention Networks for Reasoning. WWW. 2020. [paper]
- [ConMask] Open-World Knowledge Graph Completion. AAAI. 2018. [paper]
- [OWE] An Open-World Extension to Knowledge Graph Completion Models. AAAI. 2019. [paper]
- [DacKGR] Dynamic Anticipation and Completion for Multi-Hop Reasoning over Sparse Knowledge Graph. EMNLP. 2020. [paper]
- Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion. AAAI. 2020. [paper]