Cycle-SNSPGAN: Towards Real-World Image Dehazing via Cycle Spectral Normalized Soft Likelihood Estimation Patch GAN (TITS'2022)
Authors: Yongzhen Wang, Xuefeng Yan, Donghai Guan, Mingqiang Wei, Yiping Chen, Xiao-Ping Zhang and Jonathan Li
Image dehazing is a common operation in autonomous driving, traffic monitoring and surveillance. Learning-based image dehazing has achieved excellent performance recently. However, it is nearly impossible to capture pairs of hazy/clean images from the real world to train an image dehazing network. Most of existing dehazing models that are learnt from synthetically generated hazy images generalize poorly on real-world hazy scenarios due to the obvious domain shift. To deal with this unpaired problem arisen by real-world hazy images, we present Cycle Spectral Normalized Soft likelihood estimation Patch Generative Adversarial Network (Cycle-SNSPGAN) for image dehazing. Cycle-SNSPGAN is an unsupervised dehazing framework to boost the generalization ability on real-world hazy images. To leverage unpaired samples of real-world hazy images without relying on their clean counterparts, we design an SN-Soft-Patch GAN and exploit a new cyclic self-perceptual loss which avoids using the ground-truth image to compute the perceptual similarity. Moreover, a significant color loss is adopted to brighten the dehazed images as human expects. Both visual and numerical results show clear improvements of the proposed Cycle-SNSPGAN over state-of-the-arts in terms of hazy-robustness and image detail recovery, with even only a small dataset training our Cycle-SNSPGAN. Code has been available at
author={Wang, Yongzhen and Yan, Xuefeng and Guan, Donghai and Wei, Mingqiang and Chen, Yiping and Zhang, Xiao-Ping and Li, Jonathan},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems},
title={Cycle-SNSPGAN: Towards Real-World Image Dehazing via Cycle Spectral Normalized Soft Likelihood Estimation Patch GAN},
Python 3.7 or above
Pytorch 1.5
CUDA 10.1
- Clone this repo
- Install PyTorch and dependencies from
(Note: the code is suitable for PyTorch 1.5)
Split the dataset into train and test and place them in a folder:
|─ datasets
| |─ hazy2clear
| | |─ train # Training
| | | |─ A # Hazy images
| | | |─ B # Clear images
| | |─ test # Testing
| | | |─ A # Hazy images
| | | |─ B # Clear images
- Train the Cycle-SNSPGAN model:
python --dataroot datasets/hazy2clear/ --cuda
The checkpoints will be stored at ./output
- Test the Cycle-SNSPGAN model:
python --dataroot datasets/hazy2clear/ --cuda
The test results will be saved here: ./output/B
Our code is developed based on Image-Dehazing-with-GAN and Simpsons-Image-Colorization-using-cGAN-and-PatchGAN. We thank the awesome work provided by them. And great thanks to the anonymous reviewers for their helpful feedback.
If you have questions, you can contact [email protected]