Warning: This library is currently in it's infancy. It is working for a pre-production application but has not been battle tested. Use at your own risk! PR's and help are absolutely welcomed! :)
Google analytics module and provider for Cerebral JS This module exposes Google Analytics as a provider, Heavily inspired by and code utilized from React-GA. Has the ability to auto-fire events based on signal change.
npm install cerebral-google-analytics
import { Module, Controller } from 'cerebral'
import GAModule from 'cerebral-google-analytics'
const analytics = GAModule({
// (optional) Enable debug mode
debug: true,
// (optional) Change to title case
titleCase: false,
// (optional) Additional GA options
gaOptions: {
// (optional) Location in state to user ID
userId: 'myModule.path.to.userId'
// Events to fire
events: {
someValueChanged: {
// (requied) State path to fire event from. Use % for simple fuzzy matching.
// If the state in the specified path changes, a GA event will be sent.
// This is useful when you have lots of sub-modules where the parent handles signals.
statePath: 'myModule.%.%.form.myField.value',
// (optional, defaults to 'stateChange') Action to send to GA
// Ref: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/field-reference#eventAction
action: 'Some action',
// (optional, defaults to key (someValueChanged)) Category to pass to GA
category: 'Some category',
// (optional, defaults to the value that was changed) Label to pass to GA
// Ref: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/field-reference#eventLabel
label: 'Some label',
// (optional) Number
// Ref: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/field-reference#eventValue
value: 123,
const app = Module({
modules: { analytics }
const controller = Controller(app)
import { GoogleAnalyticsProviderError } from 'cerebral-google-analytics'
// Error structure
name: 'GoogleAnalyticsProviderError',
message: 'Some ga error'
stack: '...'
Send a page view to GA
function someAction({ analytics }) {
analytics.pageview('some URL') // Could pull from state / router provider
Send an event GA
function someAction({ analytics }) {
action: 'Play',
category: 'Video',
Google analytic functionality borrowed from the great React-GA library. Module/Provider functionality inspired by @cerebral's modules.