- Python Programming Language - official website
- Enthought - Python tools, training ang consulting
- Scientific Python - by Prof. Greg von Winckel
- A bit of Python and other things - by Jesse Noller
- M.L. Hetland - Prof. at NTNU, author of Python's books
- Al Sweigart - blog of PyGame developer
- Sebastian Raschka - deep into Python
- Python Central - tips, tricks, recipes and more in Python
- Python Weekly - news, articles, releases, jobs related to Python
- SymPy - Python library for symbolic mathematics
- Matplotlib - Python plotting library
- NumPy - Fundamental package for scientific computing
- SciPy - Scientific tools for Python
- SimPy - Simulations in Python
- SciKit - Machine Learning in Python
- Pattern - web mining module for Python
- Orange - data mining and analysis
- Pyevolve - complete genetic algorithm framework
- Natural Language Toolkit - platform for building programs to work with human language data
- PyMC - Bayesian statistical models and fitting algorithms
- Theano - powering large-scale computationally intensive scientific investigations
- Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers - by Cameron Davidson-Pilon
- Django - high-level Web framework
- Flask - a microframework for Web development
- Falcon - a bare-metal Python web API framework
- CherryPy - a minimalist Web framework
- Zope - application server for web applications
- Pylons and Pyramid - lightweight web frameworks
- Bottle - fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework
- Web2Py - rapid development of web-based applications
- Plone - Content Management System
- PyPy.js - fast and compliant python environment for the web
- Mastering Django - new version of "Django Book"
- Real Python - Python Programming By Example
- Python Tutorial on Tutorials Point
- Learn Python - From beginner to professional
- Python For Beginners - Good place to start
- Python Course - For beginners and advanced programmers
- The Flask Mega-Tutorial - Tutorial by Miguel Grinberg
- CodingBat - code practice
- Python Class - by Google Code University
- Python Challenge - programming riddle
- Python's tutorial - from tutorialspoint.com
- The Best Way to Learn Python - by Mark Dunneay
- Code Academy - fundamentals of Python
- Learn Python The Hard Way - course by Zed A. Shaw
- Scrapy - screen scraping and web crawling framework
- Beautiful Soup - library designed for screen-scraping
- IPython notebooks - Inspiring gallery of Notebooks
- Python For Engineers - Books and Courses
- Python Books - free Python resources
- Dive Into Python - old, but still good book for all programmers
- Python Game Book - code your own games
- Python Module of the Week - tour of the Python standard library through short examples
- OOP concepts in Python - by Leonardo Giordani
- Python Decorators in 12 steps - by Simeon Franklin
- Django Under The Hood - November 5th-7th, 2015
- Top 10 Mistakes that Python Programmers Make - by Martin Chikilian
- 8-Puzzle solving using the A* algorithm using Python and PyGame - by Ghazanfar
- Building Great Python Packages - by Axial Corps
- Python: Tips, Tricks and Idioms - by Michael Buckley
- SQLAlchemy - SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
- HDF5 for Python - Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format
- Parallel Python - provides mechanism for parallel execution of python code
- Stackless Python - allows to reap the benefits of thread-based programming
- NetworkX - High-productivity software for complex networks
- Kombu - messaging library for Python
- the xonsh shell - Python-ish, BASHwards-looking shell language and command prompt