Gan is migration tool and seeder tool , currently we just supported only postgres
For installation
go get -u
And the make the binary CLI with go to $GOPATH/src/
and run
Test the installation with type
will be output some help info in your command line
gan - gan use for migrate and seed the database
gan [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
migrate Migrate migrations script
seed Seed the data from file
create_seed_file Create seed template file
create_migration_from_file Create migration from SQL file
create_migration Create migration file
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--config FILE, -c FILE Load configuration from FILE
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
first rule is , the config file is a must passing with argument c
. sample of file config.json
"conn":"user=postgres password=*** dbname=dbname host=localhost port=5432 sslmode=disable",
migrate use for migrate all pending migration to the db, the command will be update the migration tables also
example : gan -c "example/config.json" migrate
seed use for seeder data to the database, with config `seed_dir` in `config.json` seeder can use from file like .json file
example : gan -c "example/config.json" seed
create_seed_file use for create seeder file template to define the structure of object that will be use to seed
example : gan -c "example/config.json" create_seed_file yourtablename
create_migration_from_file is use for create migration template but the migration schema is from SQL file.
example : gan -c "example/config.json" create_migration_from_file yourtablename
create_migration_from_file is use for create migration template
example : gan -c "example/config.json" create_migration yourtablename