- 1 px wide corridors
- entrance should be at top of image 1 px
- exit should be at bottom of image 1 px
- only 1 exit only 1 entrance
- RGB Image - this could be easily changed to greyscale but I prefer to stay with it for now
Result image is generated by the program with blue path.
The solver uses undirected non-weighted graph for the DFS and BFS solving of the maze
For the shortest route it converts the graph to a vertices weighted undriected graph - very fast
And finds the shortest route on an algorithm that looks for the highest weighted neighbour vertex.
DFS and BFS start to get really memory heavy after maze 200x200 but the Shortest root remains really fast
The slowest part of the program is when the image is converted into a undirected graph.
Maze Image to Nodes -> Nodes to Graph -> Graph to Weighted Graph -> Shortest root algorithm
Mazes i have found on the web and edited just so they can fit my rules of a maze
601x151 - 103831 ms - 1.73 min
512x384 - 123047 ms - 2.05 min
515x488 - 14.09 min
700x700 - 66.3 min
Wikipedia Maze Solving - 1802x1802 - ~24 hours(first build) / 1.02 minutes (loaded from serialization -> only the shortest path algorithm)