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Django ORM

Amin Zamani edited this page May 6, 2023 · 2 revisions

When and for what purpose do we use Django ORM?

Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) is a component of the Django web framework that allows developers to interact with relational databases through Python code instead of SQL queries. It provides a high-level, intuitive, and Pythonic API for working with databases, which can simplify and speed up the development of web applications.

Django ORM can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  1. Data modeling: Developers can define data models in Python code using Django ORM's built-in model classes, which map to tables in the database. The model classes provide a high-level API for creating, reading, updating, and deleting records in the database, and support relationships between tables, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships.

  2. Querying data: Developers can use Django ORM's query API to retrieve data from the database using Python code. The query API provides a wide range of methods for filtering, ordering, grouping, and aggregating data, and supports complex queries using Q objects and annotations.

  3. Database migrations: Developers can use Django ORM's migration framework to manage changes to the database schema over time. The migration framework generates SQL code to apply changes to the database schema based on changes made to the data models in Python code.

  4. Database administration: Django ORM includes a built-in admin site that provides a web-based interface for managing data in the database. The admin site allows developers to create, read, update, and delete records in the database, and provides tools for searching and filtering data.

Overall, Django ORM is a powerful and flexible tool that can simplify and speed up the development of database-driven web applications, and can help developers avoid common pitfalls and errors associated with manual SQL queries.

1. What is Django ORM?

Django ORM is a database access layer that allows you to interact with relational databases using Python objects instead of SQL statements.

2. How do you define a model in Django?

To define a model in Django, you create a Python class that inherits from the django.db.models.Model class and define attributes that represent database fields.

3. What is the difference between a model and a migration in Django?

A model defines the structure of a database table, while a migration is a script that applies changes to the database schema.

4. How do you query data using Django ORM?

You can query data using Django ORM by chaining together methods that specify filters, orderings, and limits. For example, MyModel.objects.filter(name='John').order_by('-created_at').all() will return all instances of MyModel where the name attribute is 'John', ordered by the created_at attribute in descending order.

5. What are some common database operations that can be performed using Django ORM?

Common database operations include creating, reading, updating, and deleting (CRUD) records, as well as performing joins, aggregations, and complex filtering.

6. How do you define relationships between models in Django?

You can define relationships between models by using fields such as ForeignKey, OneToOneField, and ManyToManyField.

7. What is lazy loading in Django ORM?

Lazy loading is a feature of Django ORM that defers the loading of related objects until they are actually accessed. This can help improve performance by reducing the number of database queries.

8. How do you perform raw SQL queries using Django ORM?

You can perform raw SQL queries using the raw() method of a model's manager object.

9. How do you optimize database performance in Django ORM?

Some strategies for optimizing database performance in Django ORM include using select_related and prefetch_related to minimize the number of database queries, avoiding large querysets by using pagination and filtering, and indexing frequently queried fields.

10. How do you handle database transactions in Django ORM?

You can handle database transactions in Django ORM by using the atomic() method, which ensures that either all operations succeed or none of them do.

Sure, here are some more popular Django ORM interview questions:

11. What is the difference between Django's filter() and get() methods?

  • filter() returns a queryset of all objects that match the specified conditions, while get() returns a single object that matches the specified conditions.
  • If filter() returns multiple objects, you can further refine the queryset by chaining additional query methods (e.g. exclude(), order_by(), etc.), while get() does not support additional query methods.

12. What is the difference between a ForeignKey and a OneToOneField in Django?

  • Both ForeignKey and OneToOneField are used to establish a relationship between two models.
  • The main difference is that a ForeignKey allows for a one-to-many relationship (i.e. one object can be related to multiple objects in another model), while a OneToOneField allows for a one-to-one relationship (i.e. one object is related to exactly one object in another model).
  • In terms of implementation, a ForeignKey is represented by a Many-to-One relationship in the database, while a OneToOneField is represented by a unique constraint in the database.

13. How do you perform a raw SQL query in Django?

  • You can use the django.db.connections object to retrieve the default database connection, and then call its cursor() method to create a cursor object.
  • You can then use the cursor object's execute() method to execute your raw SQL query.
  • You can also use the with connection.cursor() as cursor: context manager to automatically create and close the cursor object.

14. What is the difference between null=True and blank=True in a Django model field?

  • null=True allows the field to be saved as a NULL value in the database, while blank=True allows the field to be left blank in a form.
  • In other words, null=True affects the database schema, while blank=True affects the form validation.

15. How do you perform a subquery in Django?

  • You can use the Subquery() expression to perform a subquery.
  • You can use OuterRef() to reference a value from the outer query, and InnerRef() to reference a value from the subquery.
  • You can use the subquery as a value in other query expressions (e.g. filter(), annotate(), values(), etc.).

16. What is the related_name attribute in a Django model field?

  • related_name is an optional attribute that allows you to specify the name of the reverse relation from the related model back to the current model.
  • It is used to avoid name clashes when multiple related fields are defined on the same model.

17. How do you perform a JOIN in Django?

  • You can use the select_related() method to perform a JOIN on a ForeignKey or OneToOneField.
  • You can use the prefetch_related() method to perform a JOIN on a ManyToManyField or reverse ForeignKey.

18. What is the defer() method in Django, and how do you use it?

  • defer() is a queryset method that allows you to defer the loading of certain fields until they are accessed.
  • This can be useful for improving performance when dealing with models that have large or expensive fields that are not needed in all contexts.
  • You can use defer() to specify the names of the fields to defer, or you can use only() to specify the names of the fields to include.

19. How do you use Django's Q object to perform complex queries?

  • The Q object allows you to perform complex queries Django's Q object provides a way to build complex queries with multiple filter conditions. It allows for the creation of queries with AND and OR operators and is particularly useful when dealing with dynamic queries.

To use the Q object, first, import it from Django's query module:

from django.db.models import Q

Then, to build a query with an OR operator, you can create Q objects and use the | operator to combine them:

q1 = Q(name__contains='John')
q2 = Q(email__contains='')
result = User.objects.filter(q1 | q2)

This would return all User objects where the name contains 'John' OR the email contains ''.

To build a query with an AND operator, you can use the & operator:

q1 = Q(name__contains='John')
q2 = Q(email__contains='')
result = User.objects.filter(q1 & q2)

This would return all User objects where the name contains 'John' AND the email contains ''.

You can also negate a Q object using the ~ operator:

q = Q(name__contains='John')
result = User.objects.filter(~q)

This would return all User objects where the name does not contain 'John'.

20. What is the difference between using get() and filter() when querying a single object in Django ORM?

When querying a single object in Django ORM, you can use either the get() method or the filter() method.

The get() method returns a single object that matches the specified lookup parameters. If no object is found, a DoesNotExist exception is raised. If more than one object is found, a MultipleObjectsReturned exception is raised.


from myapp.models import MyModel

# Get a single object using the 'pk' primary key lookup
obj = MyModel.objects.get(pk=1)

# Get a single object using other lookup parameters
obj = MyModel.objects.get(name='John')

On the other hand, the filter() method returns a QuerySet that contains all objects that match the specified lookup parameters. If no objects are found, an empty QuerySet is returned.


from myapp.models import MyModel

# Get a QuerySet containing all objects that match the 'name' lookup
qs = MyModel.objects.filter(name='John')

# Get a QuerySet containing all objects that match multiple lookups
qs = MyModel.objects.filter(name='John', age=30)

In summary, you should use get() when you expect to receive a single object, and you are sure that the lookup parameters will match only one object. If you want to retrieve a set of objects that match certain conditions, you should use filter().

21. What is the related_name attribute in Django ORM, and how do you use it?

The related_name attribute in Django ORM is used to define the reverse relationship of a ForeignKey, ManyToManyField or OneToOneField. When a foreign key is defined on a model to establish a relationship with another model, Django automatically creates a reverse relationship that can be accessed from the related model. By default, the reverse relationship is named after the model that defines the foreign key, but the related_name attribute can be used to specify a custom name for the reverse relationship.

For example, consider the following models:

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    author = models.ForeignKey(Author, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

The Book model has a ForeignKey to the Author model, which means each book belongs to a single author. Django automatically creates a reverse relationship for this ForeignKey, which allows you to access all the books written by a particular author. You can access this reverse relationship using the default name, which is book_set, like this:

author = Author.objects.get(id=1)
books = author.book_set.all()

Alternatively, you can specify a custom name for the reverse relationship using the related_name attribute. For example:

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    author = models.ForeignKey(Author, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='books')

Now, you can access the reverse relationship using the custom name, like this:

author = Author.objects.get(id=1)
books = author.books.all()

In this example, the related_name attribute is set to 'books', which means you can access all the books written by a particular author using the books attribute.

22. How do you perform raw SQL queries in Django ORM?

Django ORM provides the ability to execute raw SQL queries using the raw() method of the queryset object.

The raw() method takes a raw SQL query string as its argument and returns a queryset object. The resulting queryset object can be used to retrieve data from the database using Django's ORM methods.

Here is an example of using raw() method to execute a raw SQL query in Django ORM:

from django.db import connection

# execute a raw SQL query
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM myapp_mymodel WHERE myfield = %s", [my_value])

# retrieve the resultset as a queryset object
results = MyModel.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM myapp_mymodel WHERE myfield = %s", [my_value])

It is important to note that using raw SQL queries should be done with caution as it bypasses Django's query optimization and security features. Therefore, it is recommended to use Django's ORM methods whenever possible.

23. What is a QuerySet in Django ORM, and how does it work?

In Django ORM, a QuerySet is a collection of database query results represented as Python objects. It's a core concept in Django's ORM that allows you to retrieve data from the database and apply filters, orderings, and other operations on it.

When you perform a database query in Django, the ORM creates a QuerySet that represents the results of that query. You can then apply additional filters, exclude certain objects, order the results, and perform other operations on the QuerySet before retrieving the final results.

For example, if you want to retrieve all the books in the database whose publication year is greater than 2000, you can do so using the following code:

from myapp.models import Book

books = Book.objects.filter(pub_date__year__gt=2000)

In this example, Book.objects returns a QuerySet representing all the books in the database, and filter() applies a filter to that QuerySet to only include books whose publication year is greater than 2000.

Once you have a QuerySet, you can iterate over its results, retrieve specific objects by their primary keys, aggregate data, and perform other operations as needed.

24. What is the difference between a many-to-one and a many-to-many relationship in Django ORM?

In Django ORM, a many-to-one relationship is established using a ForeignKey field, where each instance of the model with the ForeignKey can be related to only one instance of the related model. For example, if you have a model Book with a ForeignKey to a model Author, each book can be related to only one author.

On the other hand, a many-to-many relationship is established using a ManyToManyField, where each instance of the model can be related to multiple instances of the related model, and vice versa. For example, if you have a model Book with a ManyToManyField to a model Genre, each book can be related to multiple genres, and each genre can be related to multiple books.

In summary, many-to-one relationships are used to represent a one-to-many relationship between two models, while many-to-many relationships are used to represent a many-to-many relationship between two models.

25. How do you use Django ORM to perform pagination?

Django ORM provides easy and efficient ways to perform pagination on QuerySets. Here's an example of how to perform pagination using Django ORM:

from django.core.paginator import Paginator

# Get all instances of a model
all_objects = MyModel.objects.all()

# Create a paginator object with 10 items per page
paginator = Paginator(all_objects, 10)

# Get the current page number from the request
page_number = request.GET.get('page')

# Get the current page object
page_obj = paginator.get_page(page_number)

# Pass the page object to the template
return render(request, 'my_template.html', {'page_obj': page_obj})

In the example above, we first get all instances of the MyModel model. We then create a Paginator object with a page size of 10. We get the current page number from the request, and then get the current page object using the get_page() method of the paginator object. Finally, we pass the page_obj to the template for rendering.

In the template, we can access the list of objects for the current page using the object_list attribute of the page_obj. We can also access other attributes like has_next, has_previous, next_page_number, previous_page_number, etc. to implement navigation links.

26. How do you use Django ORM to perform aggregation queries?

In Django ORM, you can perform aggregation queries using the aggregate() function. The aggregate() function is used to perform aggregate calculations on a queryset, such as counting the number of records, finding the average value of a field, or finding the maximum or minimum value of a field.

Here is an example of using aggregate() to find the average rating of all products:

from django.db.models import Avg
from myapp.models import Product

avg_rating = Product.objects.aggregate(Avg('rating'))

In this example, we import the Avg function from django.db.models and use it in the aggregate() function to find the average value of the rating field of all Product objects.

You can also use the annotate() function to add an aggregate value to each record in a queryset, which can be useful for sorting or filtering based on an aggregate value. Here is an example of using annotate() to add the number of reviews for each product:

from django.db.models import Count
from myapp.models import Product, Review

products = Product.objects.annotate(num_reviews=Count('reviews'))

In this example, we import the Count function from django.db.models and use it in the annotate() function to add a num_reviews field to each Product object, which contains the number of related Review objects.

27. How do you use Django ORM to perform joins between tables?

In Django ORM, you can use the ForeignKey and ManyToManyField fields to define relationships between tables, which can then be used to perform joins between them.

To perform a basic join between two tables, you can use the select_related() method, which will retrieve all related objects in a single query:

from myapp.models import Author, Book

books = Book.objects.select_related('author').all()

for book in books:

This will retrieve all books along with their corresponding authors in a single query, which is more efficient than retrieving them separately.

To perform more complex joins with multiple tables, you can use the annotate() method to perform aggregations on related objects:

from myapp.models import Author, Book, Review

books = Book.objects.annotate(

for book in books:
    print(book.title, book.num_reviews, book.avg_rating)

This will retrieve all books that have at least 10 reviews with an average rating of 4.0 or higher, along with the number of reviews and the average rating for each book. The double underscore notation (__) is used to traverse relationships between tables, in this case from Book to Review.

28. What is the difference between save() and update() methods in Django ORM?

In Django ORM, save() and update() methods are used to update the records in the database. However, there are some differences in how they work.

save() is used to update or create a new record in the database. If you create a new object instance and call the save() method, Django will create a new record in the database. If you modify an existing object instance and call the save() method, Django will update the existing record in the database.

update() is used to update multiple records in the database with a single query. When you call the update() method on a QuerySet, Django generates an UPDATE SQL statement that updates all the records in the QuerySet. update() method does not call the save() method on each instance, so it is faster than calling save() in a loop.

In summary, if you need to update a single record in the database, use save(). If you need to update multiple records in the database with a single query, use update().

29. How do you use Django ORM to work with time zones?

Django ORM provides built-in support for time zones using the pytz library. Here are some ways to work with time zones in Django ORM:

  1. Setting the Time Zone: You can set the time zone for your Django project in the settings file using the TIME_ZONE variable. Django will use this time zone for all date and time related operations.

  2. Storing Time Zone Information: You can use the DateTimeField in your models to store date and time information. By default, Django stores date and time information in UTC format. If you want to store the time zone information along with the date and time, you can use the TimeZoneField instead.

  3. Converting Time Zones: You can convert date and time information from one time zone to another using the astimezone() method of the datetime object. You can also use the activate() function from the pytz library to activate a specific time zone temporarily.

  4. Filtering by Time Zone: You can filter querysets by time zones using the django.db.models.functions module. For example, you can use the timezone function to convert the date and time values to a specific time zone before filtering.

Overall, working with time zones in Django ORM involves setting the time zone, storing time zone information, converting time zones, and filtering by time zones.


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