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The aim of this folder is to briefly document my work for the data science project due 30 June.

I will try to build and evaluate models that predict loan defaults

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5)
rm(list = ls()) # Clean your environment:
gc() # garbage collection - It can be useful to call gc after a large object has been removed, as this may prompt R to return memory to the operating system.
p_load(tidyverse, rmsfuns, 
       readr, # import data
       knitr, # 
       DBI, # interface for SQL
       duckdb, # database backend package
       bigrquery, # alternative database backend package
       raster, # import .asc data
       lubridate # work with dates
# Source in all your functions:
list.files('code/', full.names = T, recursive = T) %>% as.list() %>% walk(~source(.))


Import Data

df_account <- read_delim("data/account.csv", delim = ';')
df_card <- read_delim("data/card.csv", delim = ';')
df_client <- read_delim("data/client.csv", delim = ';')
df_disp <- read_delim("data/disp.csv", delim = ';')
df_district <- read_delim("data/district.csv", delim = ';')
df_loan <- read_delim("data/loan.csv", delim = ';')
df_order <- read_delim("data/order.csv", delim = ';')
df_trans <- read_delim("data/trans.csv", delim = ';')

Into Data Base

I use duckdb as a backend package that embeds a DuckDB database. Open a connection to a database which is stored in memory:

con <- dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), path = ":memory:")

Put data frames into data base con

# Account
    dest = con, 
    df = df_account, 
    temporary = FALSE
# Card
    dest = con, 
    df = df_card, 
    temporary = FALSE
# Client
    dest = con, 
    df = df_client, 
    temporary = FALSE
# Disp
    dest = con, 
    df = df_disp, 
    temporary = FALSE
# District
    dest = con, 
    df = df_district, 
    temporary = FALSE
# Loan
    dest = con, 
    df = df_loan, 
    temporary = FALSE
# Order 
    dest = con, 
    df = df_order, 
    temporary = FALSE
# Trans
    dest = con, 
    df = df_trans, 
    temporary = FALSE

Reference to data base

db_account <- tbl(con, "df_account")
db_card <- tbl(con, "df_card")
db_client <- tbl(con, "df_client")
db_disp <- tbl(con, "df_disp")
db_district <- tbl(con, "df_district")
db_loan <- tbl(con, "df_loan")
db_order <- tbl(con, "df_order")
db_trans <- tbl(con, "df_trans")

Quick Data EDA


The loan status can be found in db_loan$status, which gives 4 different classes of loan statuses: A, B, C, and D. According to the statuses mean the following:

  1. A - stands for contract finished, no problems
  2. B - stands for contract finished, loan not payed
  3. C - stands for running contract, OK so far
  4. D - stands for running contract, client in debt

Therefore, what Zhou Xu does is call A and C good and B and D bad, putting them into binary classes.

Create good and bad:

df_district <- df_district %>% 
    District_Code = A1, 
    District_ID = A2, 
    Region = A3, 
    Inhabitants = A4, 
    VSmall_Municipalities = A5, 
    Small_Municipalities = A6, 
    Medium_Municipatlities = A7, 
    Big_Municipalities = A8, 
    Cities = A9, 
    Urban_Ratio = A10, 
    Salary_Ave = A11, 
    Unemploy_95 = A12, 
    Unemploy_96 = A13, 
    Entrep = A14, 
    Crimes_95 = A15, 
    Crimes_96 = A16

Data Decisions


Date of account creation, as well as the year, month, and day of account creation. It also includes the present day, which is in 1999 and is just assumed to be the first day of the year. Issuance_Freq gives the frequency with which statements are issued. It is made to be either monthly, weekly, or after_transaction. It may give an indication of how ontop of financial admin the client is


Year client is born, Born_Year Month and Day the client is born, Born_Month, Born_Day Note that the month has +50 if a women, therefore this is used to also create a variable giving gender, Gender. Age is 1999 minus Born_Year, giving approximate age in years.


Owner_Only is a dummy variable giving a value of 1 if only the owner can control the account - i.e. issue orders and ask for a loan - and 0 if others can do it. I create a variable called Multiple_Clients that gives a 1 if there are more than one clients for that particular account and a 0 if not. Then I exclude all duplicate accounts, such that the data set is in terms of its unique account number and the primary client, while indicating whether there are multiple clients that have access.


Gives the mean amount that is debited by a specific account number, Mean_Debited_Order_Amount. Gives the modal type of payment made, which can be "Insurance", "Household_Payment", "Leasing", "Loan" (loan repayment), or "other". This variable is called Modal_Order_Type.


exclude missing values of operation. The rest are recorded in Transaction_Mode.

Trans_Credit gives the number of credit transactions per account Trans_Withdraw gives the number of withdrawal transactions per account Trans_Amount_Mean gives the mean transaction amount per account Trans_Mode gives the modal transaction mode/type, e.g. "Credit_Card_Withdrawal", "Credit_in_Cash", "Other_Bank", "Cash_Withdrawal". Trans_Balance gives the mean balance left in the account after a transaction Spread gives the difference between the amount after the transaction and the mean transaction amount. Transaction_Freq gives the amount of transactions made by a single account .


Note, there are no accounts that have multiple loans:

df_loan %>% count(account_id) %>% filter(n>1)

Loan_Year gives the year the loan is granted Loan_Month gives the month the loan is granted Loan_Day gives the day the loan is granted Loan_Date gives the date the loan is granted Default is a dummy variable indicating whether it is a bad loan (i.e. Status B or D)


Just renamed, kept all variables


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