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Sondre Eikanger Kvalø edited this page May 3, 2018 · 3 revisions

With initial SQL

public final EmbeddedDatabaseRule dbRule = 
               EmbeddedDatabaseRule.builder() // defaults to using the H2 engine
                                   .withMode(CompatibilityMode.Oracle) // defaults to none if not specified
                                   .withInitialSql("CREATE TABLE Customer(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(512)); "
                                                   + "INSERT INTO CUSTOMER(id, name) VALUES (1, 'John Doe')")

public void testUsingRxJdbc() throws Exception {
    final Database database = Database.from(dbRule.getConnection());
    assertNotNull("SELECT sysdate from DUAL")

    assertEquals("John Doe","select name from customer where id=1")

public void testUsingSpringJdbc() throws Exception {

    final JdbcOperations jdbcOperation = new JdbcTemplate(dbRule.getDataSource());
    final int id = 2;
    final String customerName = "Jane Doe";

    final int updatedRows = jdbcOperation.update("INSERT INTO CUSTOMER(id, name) VALUES(?,?)", id, customerName);

    assertEquals(1, updatedRows);
    assertEquals(customerName, jdbcOperation.queryForObject("SELECT name from CUSTOMER where id = ?", String.class, id));


public void testUsingConnectionUrl() throws Exception {

    try(final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(embeddedDatabaseRule.getConnectionJdbcUrl())) {
        try(final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
            final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * from CUSTOMER")
        ) {

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