Windows version
OSX version
Linux version (source code)
- pulled latest vcglib source
- removed superfluous space in README
- Create README.md
- renamed inst/COPYRIGHT to inst/COPYRIGHTS to comply with CRAN naming conventions.
- wrote extensive COPYRIGHT file
- wrapped filenames with path.expand in vcgPlyWrite and vcgPlyRead
- added faceBorderfromNone to HClaplacian smooth
- adapted taubin smooth to new vcglib parameters and used parsed object name as default string in vcgPlyWrite
- added copyright section in DESCRIPTION
- moved src/vcglib to inst/include and adapted paths in code
- added vcgPlyWrite for fast mesh export as ascii or binary ply file
- removed handy OCF usage in meshdefinitions because stupid R check complained.
- fixed Makevars, updated docu and minor code cleaning
- updated docu of vcgClost
- added option "smoothNormals" in vcgClost, returning (laplacian) smoothed normals
- improved examples in vcgSample
- added example to vcgMeshres fixed examples and check in vcgSmooth
- more options in vcgSample (PoissonDisk resampling)
- added vcgSample to create MonteCarlo or PoissonDisk samples
- check in Rintersect if the distance is actually > 0.
- formatting for better auto-processing of package building
- removed Rcpp test function as Rcpp is now well established