Rvcg 0.8
Windows version
OSX version
Linux version (source code)
Official release, also installable from CRAN
- improved memory footprint by using optional components
- set defaults in vcgQEdecim to those in meshlab and updated docu
- added helperfunction setRays
- added vcgIsosurface to create meshes form 3D arrays (using value thresholding)
- vcgClean now supports executing cleaning operations multiple times.
- fixed color handling in vcgClean
- added handling of existing vertex colors in vcgIsolated
- fixed colorimport in vcgImport
- added option to merge close vertices in vcgClean and to report removed vertices
- set borderchk to FALSE as default in vcgClost and vcgClostKD
- added vcgKDtree to use kdtree search from vcglib on pointclouds.