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eas (pronounced eez) is primarily focused on lowering the barrier to using various authentication schemes in a kubernetes environment (but it works with any reverse proxy supporting external/forward auth). eas can be deployed once and protect many services using disperse authentication methods and providers. The goal is to make enabling authentication as easy as:

  1. generating a new config_token (see below)
  2. configuring the reverse proxy to use the service for external authentication
  3. benefit

Authentication Plugins

Various authentication plugins are supported. Within a single config_token you can enable as many as you would like which results in a pipeline of authentication mechanisms being invoked. The first plugin to result in a 2XX response code will allow the request to be serviced. If all plugins fail, then by default the result from the final plugin defined in the config_token will be returned to the client. You can however alter that on a service-by-service basis by setting the fallback_plugin=plugin index (0 indexed) parameter on the authentication URL.

  • htpasswd
  • LDAP
  • OpenID Connect
  • oauth2
  • request param
  • request header
  • request js
  • jwt
  • firebase jwt


  • works with any proxy server (traefik, nginx, ambassador, istio, envoy, etc) that supports forward/external auth
  • works with any OpenID Connect/oauth2 provider (tested predominantly with keycloak but it should be agnostic)
  • only requires 1 installation to service any number of providers/configurations/vhosts/domains
  • passes tokens to the backing service via headers
  • automatically refreshes tokens
  • server-side config_tokens CONFIG_TOKENS


If running multiple instances (HA) you will need a shared cache/store (see redis below). You only really need redis if:

  1. You are running HA
  2. You are using the oidc or oauth2 plugins

Refer to the HOWTO for a more detailed overview.


oauth2 and oidc

  • eas must be able to access OIDC Provider

  • user-agent must be able to access OIDC Provider

  • user-agent must be able to access proxy

  • user-agent must be able to access eas (if redirect_uri is directly pointing to eas service /oauth/callback endpoint)

  • proxy must be able to access eas

  • proxy must send X-Forwarded-Host (localhost:8000) to eas in sub-request

  • proxy must send X-Forwarded-Uri (/anything/foo/bar?test=foo) to eas in sub-request

  • proxy must send X-Forwarded-Proto (http) to eas in sub-request

  • proxy should send X-Forwarded-Method (GET) to eas in sub-request

  • proxy must return non 2XX responses from eas to browser

  • proxy may forward 2XX auth header X-Id-Token to backing service

  • proxy may forward 2XX auth header X-Userinfo to backing service

  • proxy may forward 2XX auth header X-Access-Token to backing service

  • proxy may forward 2XX auth header Authorization to backing service

Launch the server


EAS_ISSUER_SIGN_SECRET="super secret" \
EAS_COOKIE_SIGN_SECRET="hello world" \
EAS_LOG_LEVEL="info" \
EAS_PORT=8080 \
node src/server.js


docker run -d --name eas -p 8080:8080 \
-e EAS_ISSUER_SIGN_SECRET="super secret" \
-e EAS_COOKIE_SIGN_SECRET="hello world" \
-e EAS_LOG_LEVEL="info" \
-e EAS_PORT=8080 \


A helm chart is supplied in the repo directly. Reviewing values.yaml is highly recommended as examples are provided for common use-cases.

helm repo add eas
helm repo update
helm upgrade \
--install \
--namespace=external-auth-server \
--set configTokenSignSecret=<random> \
--set configTokenEncryptSecret=<random> \
--set issuerSignSecret=<random> \
--set issuerEncryptSecret=<random> \
--set cookieSignSecret=<random> \
--set cookieEncryptSecret=<random> \
--set sessionEncryptSecret=<random> \
--set logLevel="info" \
--set redis-ha.enabled=true \
--set redis-ha.auth=true \
--set redis-ha.redisPassword=53c237 \
--set \
--set storeOpts.password=53c237 \
--set \
--set storeOpts.sentinels[0].host=eas-redis-ha-announce-0 \
--set storeOpts.sentinels[0].port=26379 \
--set storeOpts.sentinels[1].host=eas-redis-ha-announce-1 \
--set storeOpts.sentinels[1].port=26379 \
--set storeOpts.sentinels[2].host=eas-redis-ha-announce-2 \
--set storeOpts.sentinels[2].port=26379 \
--set storeOpts.keyPrefix="eas:" \
--set ingress.enabled=true \
--set ingress.hosts[0] \
--set ingress.paths[0]=/ \
eas eas/external-auth-server

Generate a token

# please edit the values in bin/generate-config-token.js to your situation
# ie: issuer disovery URL, client_id, client_secret, etc
# also make sure to use the same secrets used when launching the server
node bin/generate-config-token.js

# alternatively you may use the following to create tokens
# files can be either json or yaml
cat config-token.json | docker run --rm -i -e EAS_CONFIG_TOKEN_SIGN_SECRET=foo -e EAS_CONFIG_TOKEN_ENCRYPT_SECRET=bar travisghansen/external-auth-server generate-config-token
cat config-token.json | EAS_CONFIG_TOKEN_SIGN_SECRET=foo EAS_CONFIG_TOKEN_ENCRYPT_SECRET=bar npm run generate-config-token

Configure your reverse proxy

# See full examples in the ./examples/ directory
# particularly nginx has some particular requirements
# NOTE: run over https in production
# NOTE: take care to NOT authenticate `eas` with itself (this is particularly
# possible to happen in service mesh scenarios), whatever tool you use should
# ensure access to the `eas` service bypasses authentication thereby avoiding
# recursive behavior

# traefik
address = http://<eas server ip>:8080/verify?config_token=<token output from above>

# nginx (see examples/nginx.conf)
proxy_pass "http://<eas server ip>:8080/verify?redirect_http_code=401&config_token=<token output from above>";

# ingress-nginx (see examples/ingress-nginx.yaml)

# nginx-ingress-controller (see examples/nginx-ingress-controller.yaml)

# traefik ingress forward "" X-Userinfo, X-Id-Token, X-Access-Token, Authorization

# ambassador (see file in examples directory)

# istio (see file in examples directory)

# haproxy-ingress (see file in examples directory)

# contour (see file in examples directory)

# envoy (see file in examples directory)


Configure the external auth URL to point to the services /verify endpoint. The URL supports the following query params:

  • config_token=the encrypted configuration token
  • redirect_http_code=code (only use with nginx to overcome external auth module limitations (should be set to 401), otherwise omitted)
  • fallback_plugin=plugin index if all plugins fail authentication which plugin response should be returned to the client

If your provider does not support wildcards you may expose eas directly and set the config_token redirect_uri to the eas service at the /oauth/callback path.

Additional ENV vars

  • EAS_SSL_CERT path to ssl cert file to enable https
  • EAS_SSL_KEY path to ssl key file to enable https
  • EAS_GRPC_ADDRESS the address to start the grpc server on (default is
  • EAS_GRPC_PORT port the grpc server is bound to (default is 50051)
  • EAS_GRPC_SSL_CERT path to ssl cert file to enable https
  • EAS_GRPC_SSL_KEY path to ssl key file to enable https
  • EAS_ALLOW_EVAL allow for potentially unsafe execution of untrusted code (enables request_js and js query engine)
  • EAS_ALLOW_PLAIN_SERVER_SIDE_TOKENS allows server-side token to be unsigned (ie: store plain json/yaml in the store(s))


ioredis cache adapter

Support for sentinel, see bin/generate-store-opts.js with further options.


redis cache adapter

No support for sentinel currently, see bin/generate-store-opts.js with further options.



easy auth for reverse proxies







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