Matlab Implenmentation of 5G NR MIMO Sphere Decoder
- Tree traverse stratigies: single tree search
- Support different modulation schemes for each Tx antenna
The implementation sphere decoding algorithms(single tree seach)for seeking the maximum-likelihood solution for a set of symbols transmitted over the MIMO channel.
function [out,nVistedNodes] = nrSphereDecoder(H,rxSymbs,moduTypes,outType)
% [out,nVistedNodes] = nrSphereDecoder(H,rxSymbs,moduTypes,outType) uses sphere decoding algorithms
% (single tree seach)for seeking the maximum-likelihood solution
% for a set of symbols transmitted over the MIMO channel.
% Input:
% H - channel matrix Nr X Nt
% rxSymbs - received symbols: Nr X 1
% moduTypes - nodulation for each tx antenna in a cell array of 1 X Nt
% outType - 'soft' or 'hard'
% Output:
% out - soft bits or hard bits output, soft bits (not sacled by 1/N0)
% nVistedNodes - number of leaf nodes traversed
% source paper:
% "Soft-Output Sphere Decoding: Performance and Implementation Aspects"
% Author: Dr J Mao
% Email: [email protected]
% 2021 Nov
Start by try example_run.m
Sim Results
Tx Antennas:4,Rx Antennas: 8
Modulations: {'qpsk'} {'qpsk'} {'64qam'} {'64qam'}
(Hard SD) Error bits: 0 out of 16
--(Hard) 96 of 65536 leaf nodes are visited. (Soft) 15448 of 65536 leaf nodes are visited
(ZF) Error bits: 9 out of 16
(MMSE) Error bits: 9 out of 16