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GCP-10 Smart Contract Protocol

GCP-10 : English | 中文


Simple Summary

GCP-10(Galaxy Consensus Proposal - 10) is a standard interface for fungible tokens, which is similar to ERC-20 based on Ethereum.


The following standard written by C language allows for the implementation of a standard API for tokens within smart contracts deployed on Zeepin Chain. This standard provides basic functionality to transfer tokens, as well as allow tokens to be approved so they can be spent by another on-chain third party.


A standard interface allows any tokens on Zeepin Chain to be re-used by other applications: from wallets to decentralized exchanges.


Basic Interpretations

There are three vital interfaces correlated to our database.

void ZPT_Storage_Put(char * key,char * value); //Add a key-value pair into the database.
char * ZPT_Storage_Get(char * key); //Get the value by a given key.
void ZPT_Storage_Delete(char * key); //Delete a key-value pair from the database by a given key.

Our database can only save char data type. Do not use any other input parameter types for the above interfaces. We have offered "array to int" and "int to array" interfaces to help transform the data types between char and int.

int Atoi(char * s); //array to int
char * Itoa(int a); //int to array

We offered two brief and useful functions to help check if an account is stored in the database, and check if an account approves another one.

int isStored(char * key){
	if (arrayLen(ZPT_Storage_Get(key)) == 0)
		return 0;
	return 1;
int isApproved(char * owner, char * spender){
	char * allowedKey = concat(owner, spender);
	if (arrayLen(ZPT_Storage_Get(allowedKey)) == 0)
		return 0;
	return 1;

Methods Analysis


Initializes the first deployed contract and determines the totalSupply of the token. Once a contract has been initialized, the init method can not be invoked again.

char * init(char * totalSupply, char * adminBalance){
	if (arrayLen(ZPT_Storage_Get("totalSupply")) != 0)
		return "Already initialized.";
	if (Atoi(totalSupply) <= 0)
		return "The totalsupply can not be less than or equal to 0.";
	ZPT_Storage_Put("totalSupply", totalSupply);
    return "Init success!";


Returns the total token supply. It will remind you if the contract has not been initialized yet.

char * totalSupply(){
	char * total_supply = ZPT_Storage_Get("totalSupply");
    if (arrayLen(total_supply) == 0)
    	return "Please init first.";
    return total_supply;


Returns the balance of an account address if it is stored in the database.

char * balanceOf(char * address){
	char * balance = ZPT_Storage_Get(address);
	if (arrayLen(balance) == 0)
		return "Address is not in our database.";
	return balance;


Transfer amountChar amount from fromAddr to toAddr. Do not worry amountChar is a char data type, you can transform it to int type by interface Atoi.

Transfers of 0 values are prohibited for the consideration of our chain utilization.

The function SHOULD return directly if:

  • The fromAddr is inconsistent with the caller address, and you can use the interface ZPT_Runtime_CheckWitness to check this.
  • The fromAddr account balance does not have enough tokens to spend.
char * transfer(char * fromAddr, char * toAddr, char * amountChar){
	if (arrayLen(ZPT_Storage_Get("totalSupply")) == 0)
		return "Please init first.";
	if (ZPT_Runtime_CheckWitness(fromAddr) == 0)
    	return "Inconsistent address.";
	if (isStored(fromAddr) == 0)
		return "Sender address is not in our database.";
	int amount = Atoi(amountChar);
    if (amount <= 0)
    	return "Transfer amount cannot be less than or equal to 0.";
	int balance_from = Atoi(BalanceOf(fromAddr));
	if (balance_from < amount)
    	return "No sufficient balance.";
    balance_from -= amount;
    if (balance_from == 0)
    if (IsStored(toAddr) == 0)
    	ZPT_Storage_Put(toAddr, amountChar);
	else {
		int balance_to = Atoi(BalanceOf(toAddr));
    	balance_to += amount;
    return "Transfer success.";


The transferFrom method allows the contract to transfer tokens on someone's behalf. Firstly the fromAddr approves spenderAddr a certain amount of allowance, and then spenderAddr can spend tokens of fromAddr within this amount on behalf of the fromAddr.

Transfers of 0 values are prohibited for the consideration of our chain utilization.

The function SHOULD return directly if:

  • The spenderAddr is inconsistent with the caller address;
  • The fromAddr does not approve spenderAddr;
  • The allowance is insufficient to spend.
  • The balance of fromAddr is insufficient to spend.
char * transferFrom(char *fromAddr, char *spenderAddr, char *toAddr, char *amountChar){
	if (arrayLen(ZPT_Storage_Get("totalSupply")) == 0)
		return "Please init first.";
	if (ZPT_Runtime_CheckWitness(spenderAddr) == 0)
    	return "Inconsistent address.";
	if (isStored(fromAddr) == 0)
		return "Sender address is not in our database.";
	if (isApproved(fromAddr, spenderAddr) == 0)
		return "Not approved.";
	int amount = Atoi(amountChar);
    if (amount <= 0)
    	return "TransferFrom amount cannot be less than or equal to 0.";
	int balance_from = Atoi(BalanceOf(fromAddr));
	if (balance_from < amount)
    	return "No sufficient balance.";
    char * allowedKey = concat(fromAddr, spenderAddr);
    int allowed = Atoi(ZPT_Storage_Get(allowedKey));
    if (allowed < amount)
    	return "No sufficient allowance.";
    balance_from -= amount;
    if (balance_from == 0) {
    if (isStored(toAddr) == 0)
    	ZPT_Storage_Put(toAddr, amountChar);
	else {
		int balance_to = Atoi(BalanceOf(toAddr));
    	balance_to += amount;
    allowed -= amount;
    if (allowed == 0)
    	ZPT_Storage_Put(allowedKey, Itoa(allowed));
    return "TransferFrom success.";


Allows spenderAddr to withdraw from ownerAddr account multiple times, up to the allowedChar amount. If this function is called again it overwrites the current allowance.

Approves 0 values are prohibited for the consideration of our chain utilization.

The function SHOULD return directly if:

  • The ownerAddr is inconsistent with the caller address;
  • The allowance is larger than the balance of the ownerAddr.
char * approve(char * ownerAddr, char * spenderAddr, char * allowedChar){
	if (arrayLen(ZPT_Storage_Get("totalSupply")) == 0)
		return "Please init first.";
	if (ZPT_Runtime_CheckWitness(ownerAddr) == 0)
    	return "Inconsistent address.";
	if (isStored(ownerAddr) == 0)
		return "Owner address is not in our database.";
	int allowed = Atoi(allowedChar);
	if (allowed <= 0)
    	return "The allowance can not be less than or equal to 0.";
    int balance_owner = Atoi(BalanceOf(ownerAddr));
    if (balance_owner < allowed)
    	return "The allowance can not be larger than the balance of owner.";
    char * allowedKey = concat(ownerAddr, spenderAddr);
    ZPT_Storage_Put(allowedKey, Itoa(allowed));
    return "Approve success!";


Returns the amount which spenderAddr is still allowed to withdraw from ownerAddr.

char * allowance(char * ownerAddr, char * spenderAddr){
	if (isStored(ownerAddr) == 0)
		return "Owner address is not in our database.";
	if (isApproved(ownerAddr, spenderAddr) == 0)
		return "Not approved yet.";
	char * allowedKey = concat(ownerAddr, spenderAddr);
    return ZPT_Storage_Get(allowedKey);