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Phase 1


And emulate the Leg builder feature in React

Upon Clicking Add leg the leg should appear as list below it

Now the leg can be configured to add more options like shown in the screenshot above. You need not emulate all the features, just Simple

Momentum and Trail SL is sufficient.

Notice the copy and delete button. You have to create that as well.

Have a final submit button, clicking which all the legs that have been added should appear as list of json object, where each element represent a leg.

Representation of a leg is as shown below.

    "PositionType": "PositionType.Sell" or “PositionType.Buy”,
    "Lots": 1 //integer,
    "LegStopLoss": {
        "Type": //"LegTgtSLType.Percentage" or “LegTgtSLType.Points” or
        "LegTgtSLType.UnderlyingPercentage" and so on,
        "Value": 40 //number
    "LegTarget": {
        "Type": //Same as Leg Stop Loss type above,
        "Value": 30 //number
    "LegTrailSL": {
        "Type": "None" if not selected or “TrailStopLossType.Points” or
        "Value": {
    “InstrumentMove”: //number
    “StopLossMove”: //number
    "LegMomentum": {
        "Type": "None" or “MomentumType.PointsUp” or “MomentumType.
    PointsDown” or so on,
        "Value": //number
    "ExpiryKind": "ExpiryType.Weekly" or “ExpiryType.Monthly”,
    "EntryType": "EntryType.EntryByStrikeType",
    "StrikeParameter": "StrikeType.ATM" or “StrikeType.OTM1” when
    EntryByStrikeType, or //number when EntryByPremium, object as {“Lower”:
    //number, “Upper”: //number} when EntryByPremiumRange, object as
    {“Adjustment”: “Plus” or “Minus”, “Multiplier”: //number} when
        "InstrumentKind": "LegType.CE",
        "LegReentrySL": {
            "Type": "ReentryType.ASAP" or "ReentryType.ASAPReverse",
            "Value": 0 //integer
        "LegReentryTP": {
            "Type": //Same as above,
            "Value": 1

Phase 2:

Start a simple firebase project and store the list you are generating in the last phase in that project with API calls.

Make a simple fetch button to retrieve the list from firebase and display the list in your react app.