Now the leg can be configured to add more options like shown in the screenshot above. You need not emulate all the features, just Simple
Have a final submit button, clicking which all the legs that have been added should appear as list of json object, where each element represent a leg.
"PositionType": "PositionType.Sell" or “PositionType.Buy”,
"Lots": 1 //integer,
"LegStopLoss": {
"Type": //"LegTgtSLType.Percentage" or “LegTgtSLType.Points” or
"LegTgtSLType.UnderlyingPercentage" and so on,
"Value": 40 //number
"LegTarget": {
"Type": //Same as Leg Stop Loss type above,
"Value": 30 //number
"LegTrailSL": {
"Type": "None" if not selected or “TrailStopLossType.Points” or
"Value": {
“InstrumentMove”: //number
“StopLossMove”: //number
"LegMomentum": {
"Type": "None" or “MomentumType.PointsUp” or “MomentumType.
PointsDown” or so on,
"Value": //number
"ExpiryKind": "ExpiryType.Weekly" or “ExpiryType.Monthly”,
"EntryType": "EntryType.EntryByStrikeType",
"StrikeParameter": "StrikeType.ATM" or “StrikeType.OTM1” when
EntryByStrikeType, or //number when EntryByPremium, object as {“Lower”:
//number, “Upper”: //number} when EntryByPremiumRange, object as
{“Adjustment”: “Plus” or “Minus”, “Multiplier”: //number} when
"InstrumentKind": "LegType.CE",
"LegReentrySL": {
"Type": "ReentryType.ASAP" or "ReentryType.ASAPReverse",
"Value": 0 //integer
"LegReentryTP": {
"Type": //Same as above,
"Value": 1