Influenced by Arnold Schönbergs dodecaphonism.
- pip3 install opencv-python
- pip3 install python-osc
- pip3 install numpy
- install osc5 (external library)
- From Terminal or Visual Studio Code launch or or both
- Open the Sequencer_Grid.pde or Sequencer_Grid_random.pde with processing or both
- Open the MaxMsp patches (use your own RAVE models)
- This is an installation, which uses camera input.
- When it detects a face it starts the actual processing.
- It saves every 50 x 50 pixel and computes the mean and adds it to the part before.
- The highest pixel mean will play a sound.
- The highest pixel mean will be reset to 0.
- Like this every sound has a higher possibility to get played.
- This was part of an university project.