Parse your text on fly, finds images urls and replace it by thumb url:
{% load sorl_hacks %} {% for text_block in post.blocks.all %} <h4>{{ text_block }}</h4> <p>{{ text_block.body|create_thumbs|safe }}</p> <hr> {% endfor %}
Admin model mixin with post_save replacing.
from sorl_hacks.admin import ThumbedCkeditorImages
class BlogPostAdmin(ThumbedCkeditorImages):
Usefull in stadart Django templates. Add property my_model.get_thumb_WIDTHxHEIGHT
to yours models.
Example of my_model_detail.html
{{ my_model.get_thumb_200x200.html }} {{ my_model.get_thumb_small.html }}
instead of:
{% thumbnail my_model.pic "56x56" crop="center" as im %} <img src="{{ im.url }}" width="56" height="56"> {% empty %} <img src="{{ MISSING_IMAGE }}" width="56" height="56"> {% endthumbnail %}
from django.db import models
from sorl.thumbnail import ImageField
from sorl_hacks.models import ThumbMixin
class Post(ThumbMixin, models.Model):
image = ImageField('image', upload_to='posts', **nullable)