Example iOS PhoneGap Application with a working BarcodeScanner Plugin
Take a look at this commit: https://github.com/zeroasterisk/PhoneGap-BarcodeScanner-Example-iOS/commit/69f3300fe77ba5af6ad576d517b3b78406a00a80
Installed the plugin (in a handful of paths) but kept the one which worked. Implemented a basic JS scanner code to demonstrate functionality: auto-runs on load, auto-reloads on error, alerts on success/failure/cancel.
NOTE: the comments on the barcodescanner.js and index.js, both mention my customization of the define/require object paths. I could not get the demo/example paths to work, after several permutations.
Copied Files:
- barcodescanner/Plugins/com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner/...[all files]...
- barcodescanner/Resources/scannerOverlay.xib
Edited Files:
- barcodescanner/config.xml (added single plugin line)
- www/js/barcodescanner.js (manually changed the path for the define)
- www/index.html (included barcodescanner.js beforehand)
- www/js/index.js (auto-testable app.scan() method)