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Getting Started

sysgoblin edited this page Feb 22, 2021 · 1 revision


  1. Requirements
  2. Building Phishpond
    1. Containers
  3. First Time Configuration


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Building Phishpond

  1. git clone
  2. cd ./phishpond/
  3. docker-compose up -d

That's it!


Phishpond consists of several containers which function together with interlinking services. docker-compose.yml is responsible for building these containers and results in the following being ran on completion of building:

  • webserver Runs an apache webserver instance, mounts any files within www/ to /var/www/ within the container. All traffic is proxied via the mitmproxy container.
  • mitmproxy Runs mitmweb and exposes port 8080 which can be accessed on the host machine. Allows operators to monitor a live log of HTTP streams as well as captured content through the use of mitmproxy modules.
  • browser Runs a firefox browser instance within a container which is exposed to the operator via a VNC session which can be accessed on port 5800 of the host machine. All traffic is proxied via the mitmproxy container. All preferences and configuration data is held within a docker volume called browser-volume.

First Time Configuration

  1. Browse to http://localhost:5800
  2. Open preferences within the virtual browser
  3. Search cert
  4. Click view certificates
  5. Click the authorities tab
  6. Click Import
  7. Import /config/certs/mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem
  8. Tick Trust this CA to identify websites
  9. OK

You will need to repeat these steps every time you remove the browser-volume