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##Pins <A pin is an attractionon a map. It has a location, as well as information about the attraction and user reviews>

Getting pins

  • Request

    GET [host]/api/pins

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ---------------- | -------- searcharea | Optional. Comprised of a list of 4 comma-separated integers.The returned pins will be from within the search area.|GET [HOST]/api/pins?searcharea=123,456,789,1011 | searcharea=[LatitudeOfTopLeftCoordinate],[LongitudeOfTopLeftCoordinate],[LatitudeOfBottomRightCoordinate],[LongitudeOfBottomRightCoordinate] |

  • Data Params in Request Body

    <No request parameters>

Creating a pin

  • Request

    POST [host]/api/pins

  • URL Params

    <No URL parameters>

  • Data Params on Request Body

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- name | Optional. The name of the attraction | {"name":"Elziger Castle"} rating | Optional. Initial rating of the pin's attraction |{"rating":"5"} pinType | Optional. The type of the pin where 0=Restaurant,1=Activities,2=__,3=__ | {"pinType":"0"} cost | Optional. The approximate amount of money spent at the attraction | {"cost":"0,0"} description | Optional. A description of the attraction | {"description":"A historical castle"} image | Optional. A url to an image of the attraction | {"image":"http://..."} expireAt | Optional. The date and time when the event expires. Do not include this field for a permanent pin. | {"expireAt":"2016-11-20T22:00:00.000Z"} coordinate | Required. An array containing latitude and longitude | {"coordinate":{"latitude":"49","longitude":"50"}} linkedAccount | Required. Account that has posted the pin | {"linkedAccount":"123"}

  • Example Query

    '{"pinType":"0","name":"Hello world","rating":"5", "cost":"0.0", "description":"Very cool", "image":"http://...", "coordinate":{"latitude":"49","longitude":"50"},"linkedAccount":"1"}'

Getting a pin

  • Request

    GET [host]/api/pins/:id

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested pin | GET [HOST]/api/pins/123

  • Data Params on Request Body

    <No Data Parameters in Body>

Deleting a pin

  • Request

    DELETE [host]/api/pins/:id

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested pin | DELETE [HOST]/api/pins/123

  • Data Params on Request Body

    <No Data Parameters in Body>

Changing a pin

  • Request

    PUT [host]/api/pins/:id

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested pin | PUT [HOST]/api/pins/123

  • Data Params on Request Body

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- name | Optional. The name of the attraction | {"name":"Elziger Castle"} rating | Optional. Initial rating of the pin's attraction |{"rating":"5"} pinType | Optional. The type of the pin where 0=Restaurant,1=Activities,2=__,3=__ | {"pinType":"0"} cost | Optional. The approximate amount of money spent at the attraction | {"cost":"0,0"} description | Optional. A description of the attraction | {"description":"A historical castle"} image | Optional. A url to an image of the attraction | {"image":"http://..."} coordinate | Required. An array containing latitude and longitude | {"coordinate":{"latitude":"49","longitude":"50"}} linkedAccount | Required. Account that has posted the pin | {"linkedAccount":"123"}

Liking a pin

<Increases the likes amount by 1 to the specified pin>

  • Request

    POST [host]/api/pins/:id/likes

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested pin | POST [HOST]/api/pins/123/likes

  • Data Params on Request Body

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- accountId | Required. The ID of the user liking the pin | {"accountId": 123}

Unliking a pin

<Decreases the likes amount by 1 to the specified pin>

  • Request

    POST [host]/api/pins/:id/dislikes

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested pin | POST [HOST]/api/pins/123/dislikes

  • Data Params on Request Body

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- accountId | Required. The ID of the user disliking the pin | {"accountId": 123}

Adding a review to a pin

  • Request

    POST [host]/api/pins/:id/review

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested pin | POST [host]/api/pins/123/review

  • Data Params on Request Body

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- text | Required. The description of the review | {"text":"This place is amazing!"} linkedAccount | Required. The account id of the review's poster |{"linkedAccount":"123"}

Deleting a review from a pin

  • Request

    DELETE [host]/api/pins/:pinid/reviews/:accountid

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- pinid | Required. The ID of the requested pin from which the review will be deleted | POST [host]/api/pins/123/reviews/456 accountid | Required. The user's account ID whose review is being deleted. | POST [host]/api/pins/123/reviews/456

  • Data Params on Request Body

    <No Data Parameters in Body>

Updating a review from a pin

  • Request

    PUT [host]/api/pins/:pinid/reviews/:accountid

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- pinid | Required. The ID of the requested pin from which the review will be updated | POST [host]/api/pins/123/reviews/456 accountid | Required. The user's account ID whose review is being updated. | POST [host]/api/pins/123/reviews/456

  • Data Params on Request Body

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- text | Required. The description of the new review | {"text":"This place is amazing!"}

##Accounts <An account represents a user account. It contains username and a token from the Google OAuth Provider>

Getting account information

  • Request

    GET [host]/api/accounts/:id

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested account | GET [HOST]/api/accounts/123

Creating an account

  • Request

    POST [host]/api/accounts

  • URL Params

    <No URL parameters>

  • Data Params on Request Body

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- username | Required. The username of the user. This will be associated e-mail address from the Google OAuth Provider | {"username":"[email protected]"} token | Required. The login token from the OAuth Provider |{"token":"asd123sdt35"}

Changing seed amount of an account

  • Request

    PUT [host]/api/accounts/seeds/:id/:amount

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the user whose seed amount is being changed | PUT [HOST]/api/accounts/seeds/123/1 amount | Required. The amount by which to increase or decrease the seed amount. This can be a negative or a decimal number0 | PUT [HOST]/api/accounts/seeds/123/0.01

  • Data Params on Request Body

    <No Data Parameters in Body>


<A trip is a collection of pins that a user can visit in a day>

Getting trips

  • Request

    GET [host]/api/trips

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- type | Optional. Filter by type of trip. 1=outdoors, 2=attractions, 3=foodie | GET [HOST]/api/trips?type=1 cost | Optional. Filter by cost, specifying upper and lower bound |GET [HOST]/api/trips?cost=0,50 linkedAccount | Optional. Filter by user account that created trip |GET [HOST]/api/trips?linkedAccount=57f19560d531481da80e3a09 sort | Optional. Sort by field specified, from high to low (-1) or low to high (1) |GET [HOST]/api/trips?sort=createDate,1`

  • Data Params in Request Body

    <No request parameters>

Creating a trip

  • Request

    POST [host]/api/trips

  • URL Params

    <No URL parameters>

  • Data Params on Request Body

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- name | Optional. The name of the trip | {"name":"Essential attractions"} type | Optional. The type of the trip. 1=outdoors, 2=attractions, 3=foodie | {"type":2} description | Optional. A description of the trip | {"description":"All the best attrations you can see in one day"} cost | Optional. Estimated cost of the trip | {"cost":20} pins | Required. An array of the pin id's in the trip | {"pins": ["123", "456"] } linkedAccount | Required. Account that has posted the trip | {"linkedAccount":"57f19560d531481da80e3a09"}

  • Example Query

    '{ "name": "Trip1", "type": 1, "cost": 20, "pins": [ "57f353c0a77c0b319430919c", "57f35406a77c0b319430919e", "57f357369e1f9022c8316bbf" ], "linkedAccount": "57f19560d531481da80e3a09" }'

Getting a trip

  • Request

    GET [host]/api/pins/:id

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested trip | GET [HOST]/api/trips/123

  • Data Params on Request Body

    <No Data Parameters in Body>

Deleting a trip

  • Request

    DELETE [host]/api/trip/:id

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested trip | DELETE [HOST]/api/trips/123

  • Data Params on Request Body

    <No Data Parameters in Body>

Liking a trip

<Increases the likes amount by 1 to the specified trip>

  • Request

    POST [host]/api/trips/:id/likes

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested trip | POST [HOST]/api/trips/123/likes

  • Data Params on Request Body

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- accountId | Required. The ID of the user liking the trip | {"accountId": 123}

Disliking a trip

<Decreases the likes amount by 1 to the specified trip>

  • Request

    POST [host]/api/trips/:id/dislikes

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested trip | POST [HOST]/api/trips/123/dislikes

  • Data Params on Request Body

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- accountId | Required. The ID of the user disliking the trip | {"accountId": 123}

Rating a trip

<Updates the average rating of the specified trip according to rating given>

  • Request

    POST [host]/api/trips/:id/rating

  • URL Params

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- id | Required. The ID of the requested trip | POST [HOST]/api/trips/123/rating

  • Data Params on Request Body

    Name | Description & Usage | Example ----------------- | ----------------------- | -------- accountId | Required. The ID of the user rating the trip | {"accountId": 123} rating | Required. The rating from 1-5 given by the user | {"rating": 5}


No description, website, or topics provided.







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