An ansible role to upgrade Zextras Carbonio infrastructures
To upgrade Carbonio using this role, you will need to use or create an inventory file from the carbonio-install-ansible repository. Additionally, the upgrade playbook requires the Postgres, LDAP, Consul, and video server passwords. If you didn't use the carbonio-install-ansible repository, make sure to place the respective password files (inventoryname_postgrespassword, inventoryname_consulpassword, inventoryname_ldap_password, inventoryname_videoserver_password) alongside your inventory file.
To perform the upgrade, follow these steps:
- Clone or download this repository.
- Create or update your inventory file following the guidelines in carbonio-install-ansible.
- Place the necessary password files near the inventory file.
- Execute the upgrade playbook using the following command:
ansible-playbook -i inventoryname carbonio-upgrade-ansible/carbonio-upgrade/upgrade-carbonio.yml
#or upgrade from Ansible Galaxy
ansible-galaxy collection install zxbot.carbonio_upgrade
ansible-playbook -i inventoryname zxbot.carbonio_upgrade.carbonio_upgrade
If you want to skip autoremove option use --extra-vars:
ansible-playbook -i inventoryname carbonio-upgrade-ansible/carbonio-upgrade/upgrade-carbonio.yml --extra-vars "skip_autoremove=1"
#or upgrade from Ansible Galaxy
ansible-galaxy collection install zxbot.carbonio_upgrade
ansible-playbook -i inventoryname zxbot.carbonio_upgrade.carbonio_upgrade --extra-vars "skip_autoremove=1"
See COPYING file for detail.