This repo is intented to be a backup for my config files, but i will try to make it easy to understand and implement for everyone who want to go ahead with my config.
[!DISCLAIMER!] The readme, y documentation are not ready yet, you can dig into the files yourself and get some inspiration. Be aware this configuration has been made for my particular use case, and they are not focus on the coumminity yet.
- hyprland, wayland compositor
- hyprpaper: wallpaper functionalty
- waybar, info bar.
- wofi: as a application launcher
- foot, kitty: terminals
- neofetch: just a simple way to showcase your system information.
- swaylock: custom lock screen.
- pywal(wal): script to get a color palette from the wallpaper.
- wlogout: power menu.
- zsh, mainly my alias configuratio.
I'm preparing an installation guide for Arch Linux from zero with Hyprland but it's not ready yet, as soon as it's ready I'll leave the link here.
Installation of hyprland and all packages and services used:
sudo pacman -Sy hyprland hyprpaper foot kitty neofetch swaylocks-effects thunar python-pywal waybar wofi btop gammastep ddcutil zsh cliphist polkit-kde-agent grim pactl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
## config install
# script install mio para finalizar la configuracion
# not ready yet
sudo pacman -Sy firefox google-chrome-stable thunar telgram-desktop bitwarden obsidian code
### must do it
Resource folder lists.
- wallpapers
- scripts -- installation -- operation
- right click to display options on desktop?