Email: [email protected]
- GET method: load static HTML pages/files
- Keep-alive feature
- Disk file updates take effect immediately without restarting the server
- Server-side caching
- Multithreaded server
- Epoll-based event-triggered network handling so that it can handle a huge number of cocurrent connections effeciently.
- Less CPU consumption when idle
(in the src directory)
(then it will generate a server and client executable files)
(you can get the available options by ./server --help)
[--port port (default: 12345)]
[--bind_addr (default: )]
[--threads threads (default: 3)]
[--connections supported_max_connections (default: 10000)]
[--root_dir root_dir (default: ./)]
(you can get the available options by ./client --help)
[--ip ip_address (default: localhost)]
[--port port (default: 12345)]
[--connections supported_max_connections (default: 10000)]
[--sockets num_sockets (default: 100)]
(start the http server)
./server --root_dir ../public_html
(access the website)
open a web brower, then type the url: http://localhost:12345
#The number of concurrently open file descriptors throughout the system
cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
#if it is too small, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf by adding this
sfs.file-max = 100000
#make this take effect
sudo sysctl -p
#check the hard limit
ulimit -Hn
#check the soft limit
ulimit -Sn
#if they are too small, edit /etc/security/limits.conf by putting
* soft nofile 20000
* hard nofile 20000
#to make this take effect without rebooting, edit the /etc/pam.d/common-session by adding
session required
#then login by su username, it will take effect
su username